Wraiths, also known as Phantasms,[1] are dark angelic spirits who typically appear as robed and hooded tall humanoid skeletons with glowing orange eyes, long fingers, and raven-like wings. They are known to wield wooden staffs with the blade of a sickle. Wraiths are classified as a form of Undead, as they are spirits stuck between life and death, manifested in a physical form.
When Malistaire used the Undead to invade Wizard City as retaliation for the death of his wife Sylvia, he worked with Lord Nightshade to orchestrate the attacks.
During the time that the Wizard was in Krokotopia to search for the Krokonomicon, a Wraith called the Crypt Scavenger sought to control the Djeserit Family and all who were buried in their tomb.
After Malistaire's summoned Undead to break the infamous Meowiarty out of his cell in Newgate Prison, a chase ensued in the rooftops of Marleybone City between the Wizard, the Scotland Yard, and Meowiarty. Malistaire summoned an Agony Wraith to fend off the Wizard, so he and Meowiarty could get to the Big Ben.[2]
In his scheme to revive her using the Krokonomicon, Malistaire exhumed Sylvia Drake's body and entombed it within the Necropolis in Dragonspyre. To prevent this revival from taking place, Cyrus Drake tasked the Wizard with finding Sylvia's body in her tomb and using a Knowledge Crystal to store her spirit within. Inside her tomb, it was discovered that Sylvia's spirit had taken the form of a Wraith, but following a fight with the Wizard, Sylvia's spirit returned transformed into a form appearing as she did when she was alive.[3]
Notable Wraiths[]
- Agony Wraith
- Nightshade
- Oyotomi the Defiler
- Tomugawa the Evil
- Wraith is a 6-pip Death spell trained at Level 42.
- Throughout Sunken City, the Rank 3 Elite Banshees that reside there are called Wailing Wraiths. The Banshee that appears in the First Tower in Sunken City is called a Howling Wraith. These are named for the word wraith itself, which means "a ghost or ghostlike image of someone, especially one seen shortly before or after their death," referring to the fact that Banshees are spirits, and not that they are actually Wraiths.
- Another example of this is in Khrysalis, in the Chamber of the Sun's Shadow in the Solar Arc. A ghostly Burrower can appear as a minion to Elana DarkSun, called a Wraith Knight.
- The Hallowe'en Trickster is a wraith that appears in the Hallowe'en Apprentice Tower during the Hallowe'en event in Wizard101. A wraith named "The Reaper" appears as the boss in the Hallowe'en Adept Tower.
- It is believed that Wraiths are the manifested dark form of corrupted or otherwise cursed souls that come from the Underworld, however this has not been confirmed by KingsIsle. This would make sense, as Sylvia Drake's spirit took the form of a Wraith after Malistaire brought her body to Dragonspyre and entombed it, and after fighting the Wizard her spirit was "purified" and returned to her appearance in life.[3] Also, when Malistaire was killed and his soul was later taken from the Underworld, he took form as the Shadow-infused "Malistaire the Undying", resembling a Wraith.
- Death himself, while often manifesting in the form of a Wraith, is actually some form of celestial being.
- "Wraith" is one of the playable Realms in Wizard101.
- Wizard101 (First appearance)
- Ravenwood Roll Call: Dworgyn