
"Once, this territory was the basin of the Green Lake, where Walkers would drink to prepare themselves for the Dreaming. Now it is home to more wretched creatures like the Wobbegong Shark, which learned to live on land when the Dreaming was depleted."
Sandiago speaking about the Wobbegong Territory[src]

Wobbegong Sharks, also known as Wobbegongs[1] or land sharks,[2] are a species of non-sentient Shark native to the world of Wallaru. Originally an aquatic species, the Sharks learned to live on land after the Dream Water was depleted.[3] Most notably, they ate King Ruffles II of Marleybone, with the region of the Outback where he perished being named Kingsland.[1] The Wizard also notably fought three Wobbegong Sharks in the Wobbegong Territory that were harassing Judge Judi when they and Sandiago arrived in the area in search of Ned Collie.[3]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "King's Shark"
  2. My Wallaru Walkabout — "Oh, the Places I Will Go!"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "Wobbegong With the Wind"

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