
Valiant Troupe is the official Guild of the Wiki101 community in Wizard101, created on August 20, 2022. The Guild is actively recruiting members, with perks including a private Discord server exclusively for the Guild as well as a special "Guild Member" role in the main Wiki101 Discord. The Guild Leader for the Wiki101 Guild is wiki bureaucrat and administrator MegaZeph AKA Chris DeathRider and there are also designated "Protectors" from within the Guild for the private Discord that serve as the moderation team.

What is a Guild?[]

Guilds is a totally free new (no Crowns or Membership required!) social system that was added to Wizard101 for the game's 2022 Summer Update. They are essentially large social gatherings - a max level Guild Leader creates the Guild with eleven online friends that are Level 30 or higher. Guilds can have up to 50 accounts attached to them at once - that means that you can join the same Guild on several characters on the same account and they will all take up only one slot in the Guild.

What can the Guild do?[]

Valiant Troupe has their very own Guild House that the entire Guild can help expand and decorate! The Guild House by default has a bunch of unlockable islands that can be unlocked using Azoth, a reagent that you will be able to collect from various activities. Guild members can donate housing items to the Guild Inventory, an irreversible move which allows ANYONE in the Guild to use the housing item within the Guild House. There are other Guild-related activities like Raids!

How can I join?[]

If you're interested in joining the Wiki101 Guild, the best way is to join the Wiki101 Discord and make a request or you can send a DM the Guild Leader at his Discord ID ChrisDR#6275. From there, you can meet him in-game and if accepted into the guild you will be sent an invite to the Guild's Discord server!

External links[]
