
Shortcuts are a specialized type of redirect on Wiki101 that can be used to quickly get to a reference page more quickly.

How to use a shortcut[]

A shortcut can be entered into the search box to quickly bring you to a given reference page. It can help you if you like the page or are editing it and want to get to it quickly without having to bookmark it.

For example, you can enter "W1:A" into the search box and enter to take you to the "Administrators" page, instead of having to type "Wiki101:Administrators" fully.

Alternatively, you can type in the shortcut in the URL (web address). For example, you are currently viewing Wiki101:Shortcut. The full URL is You could get from here to "Wiki101:Administrators" by replacing "Wiki101:Shortcut" with "W1:A" in the URL (web address) and hitting enter.

Shortcuts are presented in all capital letters, but the search box is not case-sensitive. However, using the URL method typically requires that you match the capitalization of the shortcut.

Complete list of shortcuts[]

A complete directory of shortcuts for the Wiki101 namespace.

Shortcut Page
W1:ANP Wiki101:Article Naming Policy
W1:B Wiki101:Bureaucrats
W1:BP Wiki101:Blocking Policy
W1:C Wiki101:Copyrights
W1:CP Wiki101:Canon Policy
W1:DISC Wiki101:Discord
W1:LG Wiki101:Layout Guide
W1:MOS Wiki101:Manual of Style
W1:NEW Wiki101:How to start contributing
W1:P Wiki101:Policies
W1:PP Wiki101:Protection Policy
W1:S Wiki101:Shortcut