A Wallflower on Pegasus Place in Wysteria.
- "I'm lookin' fer some plants native to these parts... a species of flower called the Wallflowers. They're a shy and retirin' sort of flower... they'll hang close to walls throughout all of Wysteria!"
- ―Zeke to the Wizard[src]
The Wallflower is a species of flower native to the world of Wysteria. They are known to cling onto the walls of structures, similarly to a vine. When the Wizard traveled to Wysteria to compete in the Pigswick Tournament of Magic on behalf of Ravenwood School of Magical Arts, they helped Zeke to find several Wallflowers that were located in Pigswick Academy, Pegasus Place, Tanglewood Way, and the Library Archives within the Pigswick Library.[1]

Wallflower quest icon
- The Wallflowers are the item collected in the collection quest "The Wallflowers" given by Prospector Zeke within the world of Wysteria in Wizard101. Completing the quest gives the player the Wysteria Explorer Badge and a Training Point.
- Like the other Zeke quests, the Wallflowers are named after a real-world musical group. In this case, the American roots rock band The Wallflowers.