
"He's in a Tower ringed in bones? Well, the Skeletal Pirates do seem to be concentrated around the old Archives."
Ceren Nightchant[src]

The Unicorn Way Archive[1] or simply the Archives is a tower in Unicorn Way, Wizard City that contains several magic tomes and books. One such tome contained here was On the Trail of the Order of the Fang, which Rattlebones was ordered to retrieve by his Dark Master, Malistaire Drake.

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Behind the scenes[]

  • The Archives were formerly known as Rattlebones' Tower prior to the release of the new Unicorn Way questline in 2019.
    • In the original Unicorn Way questline, it is revealed by Ceren Nightchant that the tower Rattlebones takes over is the former tower of his friend, Delia. This information is now considered non-canon.


Notes and references[]

  1. Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "Grim Tales"

External links[]
