This is a timeline of Spiral history—a chronology of important events that have occurred in the Spiral. Much of the content of this page is fan speculation and should not be considered "canon" as an official chronology of the Spiral Games Universe does not yet exist.
Event featured in/referred to in:
Event chronology[]
Days Before[]
- The First World is shattered into pieces by the warring Titans. Angered by their behavior, Bartleby puts them into a deep sleep by singing the Titanic Lullaby.
Spiral era[]
- Grandmother Raven and Bartleby sang the Song of Creation to create the New World, which later becomes The Spiral.
- The Tritons invent Storm Magic.
- Celestians settle in Celestia.
- Celestians begin to hold chariot races.
- Spiders are created, and are banished to Khrysalis.
- Wyrm settle onto Dragonspyre and Mooshu.
- The Mander race is created.
- Emperor Mooshu unites the clans of his homeland into Mooshu after his name, and gives himself the role of Emperor.
- Some monsters cease to exist, and can only be "remembered" through Myth Magic.
- A piece of floating land arrives at the homeworld of the Manders, and they are enslaved by the Kroks.
- The Kingdom of Dragonspyre is formed by King Mene and Queen Gavarena.
- Rydall the Conqueror unleashes a magical plague onto the Kingdom, making Duke Sebastian want to teach people how to defend themselves. He later creates Dragonspyre Academy.
- Life Magic and Death Magic are united with the writing of the Krokonomicon.
- Kroks invent Balance Magic.
- Merle Ambrose is born.
- Merle Ambrose helps Artorius become king.
- The Order of the Silver Rose is formed.
- Merle Ambrose founds Wizard City.
- King Artorius marries Gwendolyn.
- Merle Ambrose founds Ravenwood School of Magical Arts
- The Dragon Titans are awakened by the Lords of Dragonspyre. The Kingdom of Dragonspyre then extends across The Spiral.
- The Emperor of Mooshu is captured and the empire is overthrown by the Khitan and Manju clans.
- The Moodha is born.
- Dragonspyre's Century War is started when King Jungen dies without an heir to the throne.
- The Emperor of Mooshu is freed by the Samoorai.
- Mooshu allows commoners to learn and use magic.
- Mooshu discovers that other worlds exist with alien life, and begins trade.
- Kylgor the Magnificent ends the Century War by claiming Dragonspyre's throne.
- Beormutt unites the Marleybonian tribes at war with each other.
- Knowledge Crystals are created.
- The Golden Age of Dragonspyre begins.
- Dragons lose control of Mooshu, and it is then claimed by three different clans.
- Canines enter a civil war with Felines.
- Aldred overthrows the king of Dragonspyre.
- Magic is heavily restricted in Dragonspyre.
- Marleybone enters a rebirth period.
- Marleybonians invent the printing press.
- Sir Pigswick is expelled from Ravenwood.
- Sir Pigswick purchases Wysteria and founds Pigswick Academy.
- Queen Ellen frees a Marleybonian writer when he was imprisoned for criticizing the governent, and the Parliament is established.
- Herold Digmoore invents the Spiral Door on accident, bridging Wizard City to Marleybone.
- The Council of Light is formed.
- The three clans of Mooshu are weakened.
- Malistaire Drake befouls Sergeant Skullsplitter.
- Arthur Wethersfield bring Balance Magic to Ravenwood.
- The Celestians deny Morganthe access to Astral Magic.
- The Celestians become exctinct when the Tritons sink the entire city underwater in an attempt to kill Morganthe.
- Morganthe and her brother overthrow King Artorius.
- Merle Ambrose flees Avalon.
- Morganthe is expelled from Ravenwood.
- Morganthe finds Taylor Coleridge.
- Morganthe and Taylor rob the Alcazar.
- Morganthe and Taylor attempt to rob The Hive, but are caught.
- Morganthe is trained in Shadow Magic when it is believed she is the Chosen One.
- Morganthe casts a shadow on the Chamber of the Sun, and corrupts it's Sun Magic with Shadow Magic.
- Morganthe attempts to learn Star Magic, but fails, and in anger destroys the Alcazar.
- Morganthe goes to Eclipse Tower to learn Moon Magic, and casts her Shadow Magic over it.
- The Council of Light puts Morganthe's Shadow Magic underneath Mirror Lake.
- Sylvia Drake dies.
- Malistaire Drake destroys the School of Death.
- Malistaire Drake steals the Eye of History from Bartleby.
- Malorn Ashthorn takes over as death professor, despite being unqualified.
- Moolinda Wu becomes the Life professor.