Irk No Spoilers
"No Spoilers"
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"Now you must venture into the Nightmare's depths and reunite this fragmented world."
Sybil to the Wizard[src]

The Nightmare is the name for a realm within the Dreaming which was ruled over by Malus, a physical manifestation of malignance created by Freddie Kroaker which fueled and was in turn fueled by the hatred, fury, and prejudices of the peoples of Wallaru. The Wizard, with a fortified and resilient mind due to not being from the Spiral, was tasked by Morp with entering the Nightmare and destroying Malus following Freddie Kroaker's defeat, as Malus's influence was ruining the ongoing negotiations between the world's factions and risking a civil war. Sneaking past Broken Dreams, dispelling physical manifestations of each faction's hatred, the memories of Rama-Krok and the Didgeri Dragon, and otherwise working their way through a junkyard maze, all with the guidance of Sybil, they ultimately fought and defeated Malus at its center, freeing Wallaru of the increasing hold the creature had over their minds.[1][2]



  • "The Nightmare" is a Raid-like Dungeon or "Mini-Raid" which is accessed from The Dreaming and takes place after the events of the Wallaru storyline. The Challenge Mode version of the Dungeon released on Wizard101 live servers as part of the 530.1 game patch on January 29, 2024.[3]
    • It is notably the first story content to be set after Arc 4.
    • "The Nightmare" is also the name of a Mount available from the Nightmare Pack.
  • To celebrate the release of The Nightmare and incentivize groups to complete it quickly, KingsIsle announced a "Nightmare World's First Event" on their social media accounts on January 26, 2024, starting from the release of the Dungeon (just three days later) and ending on February 4, with the winners announced on February 8. The first team to get "World's First" with evidence of their victory posted on Twitter or Facebook using the hashtags #Wizard101 and #WorldsFirstNightmare would receive the entire set of Dream Reaver gear of each member's choice, the Outback Rover Mount, and 10,000 Crowns. The second place prizes, randomly selected, would be the Outback Rover Mount and 5,000 Crowns.[4] Extra Credits content creator DaRealAlmond and his team managed to beat the Dungeon within the first day.[5]



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