The Modern Adventures of Stallion Quartermane #7 is the seventh installment of The Modern Adventures of Stallion Quartermane. It was published on the Wizard101 Instagram page on November 3, 2021.
From the journal of Stallion Quartermane:
“For my final journey, I tried to rediscover the lost homeland of Lemurs. I assumed initially that it was simply not there anymore. But the question still sat in my head. I could not go on until I saw for myself what was left in the World Render’s wake.
When I passed through the World Door, however, I fell into an empty Skyway. Clutching desperately to a flying turtle, I waited until a Sky Ship happened by. Naturally, it was pirates. I bested their captain in the ancient art of arm wrestling and claimed the ship and crew as my own. Long did we search the Skyway, but found nothing.
I remember even now the city of the Lemurs. A place of wonders and symmetry – every detail, every inch, designed with complete precision. It’s no wonder the World Render took such interest in them, built a world around them. Who better than such innate craftsmen to facilitate whatever mad purpose he had in mind?
But their city is gone, I knew it would be. Not a thing has taken its place. I know of course where the Lemurs have gone, but it is not yet time for that journey. There is ONE MORE THING that must happen first.”
Enter “TOTELO5” at Wizard101.com to collect the Paper Pulp Reagent by 11/10.
And check back next week, for one last, special announcement.
Appearances |
The Modern Adventures of Stallion Quartermane |
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 |