The Modern Adventures of Stallion Quartermane #3 is the third installment of The Modern Adventures of Stallion Quartermane. It was published on the Wizard101 Instagram page on October 6, 2021.
From the journal of Stallion Quartermane:
“Today was a classic Quartermane adventure! I traveled to the lost world of Celestia to meet with the Water Moles upon their Floating Lands. They warned me of the great danger besetting their island: a terrible lizard, miles high, that roared and raved and demanded tithes of jewels and gold. Naturally, this I simply had to see!
So I ventured through the jungle, besting Rubble Rouser, Wildclaw, and Ugly Spitting Bat Thing with two fists of fury. And there at last – after days of battle and beastly heat – I found it, towering over the trees, darkening the beaches like an eclipse: the Terrible Lizard. Words would not do it justice. It was a mountain of leather skin and fangs and spikes, a forgotten atavism of savage and less energy-efficient forms, from days where giants reigned, their footfalls reshaping the very ground upon which they tread.
Or so I would have thought of this towering behemoth, but for one detail, one miniscule incongruity the average mole would not know to look for, the tiniest little detail that made plain the falsity of this monster: a smudge. Yes, a smudge! For this was no giant, but was in fact a run-of-the-mill Aztecosaur scientist standing in front of an everyday giant invisible magnifying glass. It was but a scheme to extort the Water Moles.
Better luck next time Doctor Moonlight!”
Enter “TODERRINGDO15” at Wizard101.com to collect the Paper Pulp Reagent by 10/13
- Stallion Quartermane
- Doctor Moonlight
- Blood Bat (Indirect mention only)
- Rubble Rouser
- Wildclaw
Sentient species[]
Weapons and technology[]
- Magno-Control
The Modern Adventures of Stallion Quartermane |
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 |