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"Time, time, time, see what's become of me."
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"To adventure!"
―Stallion Quartermane[src]

Stallion Quartermane is one of the earliest Spiral adventurers and the founder of the Spiral Geographic Society. Once a scout for the Old One and his Lemurs, Quartermane disapproved of how the Old One had used him to find worlds, only to combine them into Lemuria. Quartermane eventually found out about the Old One's scheme and set out on an expedition to find him within his lab in Madness Mountain in Polaris, but he was ultimately frozen in a block of ice by the Old One and kept in his lab to be used as a template for the people of Lemuria.

After centuries had passed, the Wizard, accompanied by the Nothing, discovered the Old One's lab in Polaris and with it the frozen body of Quartermane. They thawed him out of the ice and woke him from his centuries-long slumber, giving him another chance to achieve his original intent of restoring the worlds that had been stolen to create Lemuria and avenge the many victims. His quest has led him to the Arcanum, where he believes Lemuria can be found behind the Warded Door, in the Forbidden Wing.


Early life[]

"This is Marleybone now? In my day, it didn't even have rooftops. Now they're everywhere!"
―Stallion Quartermane[src]

Stallion Quartermane was born in ancient Marleybone. At the age of just 3 months old, he set out to explore the Spiral and learn from its many peoples.

Quartermane single-handedly mapped dozens of Skyways and discovered countless World Doors. He established the first incarnation of the Spiral Geographic Society, where he introduced Marleybone to MooShu. He was one of the first to have a formal discussion with MooShu's ancient Dragon Clans and survive.[1]

Project Lemuria[]

Stallion Quartermane frozen

Stallion Quartermane frozen in the Old One's lab

"I have been made a fool! By my patron, no less! A mysterious be-tentacled man who never gave me his name. Which, in hindsight, should have been a red flag. He and his "Lemur" creatures, they used me as their scout, their herald. And in my wake, lands vanished, stolen by this world-rending squid. I led him not to treasures, but to victims. They must be avenged! I will find the World Render and his Lemuria and restore what has been stolen!"
―Stallion Quartermane in his journal[src]

Quartermane would eventually find himself in the patronage of the Old One, and the both of them would work together on the secret "Project Lemuria." The Old One and his Lemurs used Quartermane as their scout, discovering pieces of the Spiral that the Old One then merged to create Lemuria, unbeknownst to Quartermane. The entire time they worked together, the Old One never told Quartermane his name.

Before long, Quartermane found out the truth of Project Lemuria. In Polaris, he set out on an expedition to find the Old One in Madness Mountain. The Old One, knowing that Quartermane was going to find him, devised a plan to use him as a template for the people of Lemuria. The Old One cryogenically froze Quartermane inside of a block of ice hidden behind a door in his lab, where he remained for centuries. The Spiral believed that he had simply vanished while on his expedition looking for the "World Render."[2]

Return and finding Lemuria[]

"Wait, who are you? "The Wizard?" What a bizarre and unremarkable name. I am Stallion Quartermane! Stand back, I've got a World Render to pummel."
―Stallion Quartermane[src]

Centuries later, when the Wizard and the Nothing (who had absorbed the Old One) searched for clues of Lemuria in Marleybone City, they came across two more mosaics that depicted the Old One and Lemuria. One of the mosaics was marked with "Discovered by Stallion Quartermane," sparking the Nothing's memories of the Old One and giving them the idea to ask Conservator Olivia at the Royal Museum about him. With the memories of Quartermane and the Old One working on Project Lemuria together and a secret lab in the mountains of Polaris, the Wizard and the Nothing headed there. With the help of Zoot, they made their way up Madness Mountain to find Stallion Quartermane's lost expedition.

The Wizard searched the abandoned campsite in the mountain and found Quartermane's lost journal, detailing his discovery of the Old One's plans and his intent to find the Old One and restore the pieces of the Spiral that had been stolen. Not far from the campsite lied the entrance of the Old One's lab, and the Wizard and the Nothing went inside. A control panel played a pre-recorded message from the Old One, in which he talked about how Quartermane was onto him, but suggested he could be used as a template for the people of Lemuria. With the door to a chamber containing a block of ice with Stallion Quartermane frozen inside opening, he was soon thawed and freed from the ice and quickly assumed his strong personality. He met the Wizard and exclaimed for them to stand back so he could "pummel" the Old One, but the Wizard told him the Old One he had fallen down a hole. He asked how long he had been to the ice, to which the Nothing (unheard by Quartermane) exclaimed it to be a "very large number of years." This didn't bother Quartermane, as he had the chance to explore the Spiral all over again.[2]

In Penguinonia, Quartermane explained to the Wizard what Lemuria was. He told them he had a map to Lemuria in his journal, but when the Wizard said there wasn't one, Quartermane said that he had made a copy. He believed the map to be located in in the Royal Museum, so he accompanied them there. Olivia believed Quartermane to simply be a museum actor, and directed them to the Stallion Quartermane Memorial Tower. There, they confronted the Rogue Engineer and recovered Quartermane's copy of the map to Lemuria.[2]

Quartermane at the Warded Door

Stallion Quartermane standing in front of the Warded Door to the Forbidden Wing of the Arcanum

Quartermane explained to the Wizard the legend of the "Arkanum," a supposed "hidden realm of scholars and wise men" and repository of all knowledge that existed between the ley lines, and he believed was where Lemuria could be found. He emphasized that reaching it would be no mean feat, but once the Wizard said that they had an apartment there, they departed for the Arcanum at once. Upon arriving, Quartermane exclaimed that the Arkanum was real, and that he had discovered it, however nothing there was work to be time and "no time for braggadocio." He showed the Wizard his map and noted the spot marked, the Warded Door in front of the Forbidden Wing. Standing in front of the door, Quartermane explained that behind the door was the Old One's domain, where he fragmented worlds to build Lemuria. He reiterated that Lemuria would be found, behind the door.[2]

Modern adventures[]

"Quartermane vanished countless years ago in search of a “World Render,” itself a legend lost to history. But now he’s back and adventuring again."
Spiral Geographic Magazine[src]

Not long after Quartermane's return, Spiral Geographic Magazine published The Modern Adventures of Stallion Quartermane, their September issue featuring a series of articles about the long-lost explorer that had suddenly returned. While the first article simply gave a brief biography,[1] the second article in the magazine was published from Quartermane's own journal. It detailed his journey to search for the "elusive" Lemurs, who he believed were still somewhere in the Spiral despite the vanishing of their homeland. He searched eighteen worlds in eighteen hours, searching the depths for signs, but found nothing except tales and fables of the Lemurs from the various cultures.[3] He also traveled to Celestia to meet with the Water Moles, where he uncovered an Aztecosaur scientist using a Magno-Control to appear as the "Terrible Lizard," a mountainous monster to scare and ultimately extort the Water Moles.[4] In MooShu, he helped to apprehend Big Coi and his gang of rogue Samoorai after they stole the Immortal Tapestry from the Jade Palace.[5]


To be added


  • Expert hand-to-hand combatant: To be added






Notes and references[]

External links[]

League of Exemplary Personages
The BantamSolomon CraneBuck GordonMandarStallion QuartermaneDuck SavageThe ShadoeDog Tracy