
The Spiral Geographic Society (SGS) or simply the Geographic Society is a group of geographers and archaeologists throughout the Spiral.



The first incarnation of the Spiral Geographic Society was established by Stallion Quartermane, one of the Spiral's earliest explorers.[1] He introduced Marleybone to the world of MooShu and became one of the few to treat with the ancient Dragon Clans and live.[2]

Grand Celestian Expedition[]

Many years later, the Spiral Geographic Society sent an expedition group to the world of Celestia, led by Sir Thurston Plunkett. After arriving, Thurston went missing, followed by the crustaceans of the Crab Empire attacking the group at their base camp.

Known SGS members[]




Notes and references[]

Alchemy ClubArcanumArmadaBaboolonian EmpireBaobab CouncilBrunching ClubBuffalo WingsCabalCarpe Diem SocietyCouncil of LightCult of the Corrosive ChorusDragonhorn OrderDuckburgh Mineral EnterprisesFelonious FilliesFifth ColumnGravulum OrderHoly MonquisitionLeague of Exemplary PersonagesLegion of MetalLight BrigadeLords of NightMagnificent SevenMander RebellionMaster's SonsMcCoil BrothersNana's Olde Fashioned Karamelle DelightsOrder of the FangOrder of the Silver RoseOrder of the White LotusRat PackRavenous TeethRed Sash GangRooster's RoastersSerpent Social ClubSerpentine ArmySerpentine Special ForcesShadow WebSpiral Geographic SocietySplithoovesUndead ArmyVigilantsW.I.T.C.H.Wharf RatsWild BunchYakooza