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Not to be confused with Sinbad.

"Captain, this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I'll sniff out Klaw's trail and then I'll get the Belt bac- er... I mean we. You, of course! Haha. Very well, to the Chimer- I mean, to my new Captain's ship, and adventure! Albano, trim the sails, and prepare my afternoon tea!"
―Sinbad to the Pirate and Albano[src]

Sinbad is first mate of the Pirate's crew and like the famous Tiger of the same name, the captain of the sky ship Chimera, albeit formerly. He previously had his own crew which employed his first mate Albano, Toombs, and Ratty Piper. At one point, Sinbad and his crew were sailing on a voyage through Skull Island when they were ambushed by the Crushers, who wanted to snag Sinbad's Belt of Champions so the Crush-Tacian, their leader, could have the title of Best Pirate in the Spiral. Sinbad ended up getting kidnapped and taken to the Crushers' hideout in Devilfish Hollow, but he would take back the Belt of Champions for himself while Albano and the Pirate fought their way through. In a move which angered his crew, Sinbad escaped on the Chimera without even letting them come with him. This led first mate Albano to team up with the Pirate to pursue Sinbad and his Belt of Champions so they may get the Eye of the Liger. Sinbad's kidnapping by the Crushers and resulting betrayal of his crew would later be revealed to have been a heist set up by Sinbad to get the Belt of Champions back, in which he hired the Iron Lotus, a gang from MooShu who he saw as expendable, to help him pull off the job. Sinbad had a buyer lined up for Belt, but worried about the individual taking Albano and the crew as hostages for leverage. His hiring of the Iron Lotus was the done to not worry his crew, though it would inadvertedly make them feel like they had been betrayed.

The Iron Lotus ended up being hired out from under Sinbad by Klaw, a terrible warlord from the world of Rajah who wanted the Belt of Champions for himself so he could acquire the Eye of the Liger and use it conquer his homeworld. Sinbad's new crew mutined, dealt heavy damage to the Chimera, and imprisoned the captain within Tamagoyaki Tower in Subata's Ravaged Valley in MooShu. Klaw took the Belt of Champions from Sinbad and left him with Kharonchi Khan, one of his lieutenants, who went on to harass Sinbad about the location of the Bessimer Stone. Albano, now a proper member of the Pirate's crew, would soon be tipped of the location of the Chimera and pursued along with the Pirate, with the both of them mounting an accidental rescue of Sinbad within Tamagoyaki Tower. Sinbad and Albano would decrease the tension between them with context given to Sinbad's past actions, and with Sinbad deciding to join the Pirate's crew without a ship of his own to captain, his goal would shift towards sniffing out Klaw's trail and getting back the Belt of Champions before Klaw could use it for his nefarious purposes.


Kidnapped by the Crushers[]

―Sinbad within the Crusher's Shrine[src]

Sinbad and his crew of Rats, first mate Albano, Toombs, and Ratty Piper, were sailing on another voyage through Skull Island when they were ambushed by the Crushers. The Crushers wanted Sinbad's Belt of Champions so they could take the title of Best Pirate in the Spiral from him. They initially tried to simply wrestle the belt from Sinbad, but were unable to. Instead, they just kidnapped Sinbad and took him with them. Sinbad's crew contacted Gandry to in turn contact the Pirate, as the crew believed they would be outraged on a matter of principle; the Crushers' leader was aiming to jump right past the Pirate's place in the lineup of best pirates. The Pirate met up with the crew to help rescue Sinbad, and together they travelled to Devilfish Hollow, where the Crushers were hiding out.[1] Together they fought through the Crushers while trying to find Sinbad; going through Crusher figureheads Poffo and Fliehr before arriving at the leader himself, the Crush-Tacian. Before long, the crew and the Pirate discovered that Sinbad had taken the Belt of Champions back from the Crush-Tacian and escaped to the surface, but he had left his crew behind.[2] Sinbad's first mate Albano felt betrayed and offered to the Pirate to track down Sinbad to not only get revenge, but to retrieve his belt to unlock the true prize it unlocks, the Eye of the Liger.[1]

Tamagoyaki Tower[]

"You lie! Are you not Sinbad?"
"Oh no, I am definitely NOT not Sinbad. I AM Sinbad, mightiest captain in the seventy skyways! I'm just not THAT Sinbad. It's complicated. You see-"
Kharonchi Khan and Sinbad[src]

Some time later, Sinbad hired a crew from MooShu,[1] the Iron Lotus. Eventually he would land his worse-for-wear Chimera near Tamagoyaki Tower in Subata's Ravaged Valley.[3] Albano, who had been using smugglers and other criminals to help him find his former captain with the intent of stealing his Belt of Champions, was tipped off by an individual named Sully the Skullsplitter, who spotted the Chimera in the Ravaged Valley. Albano thus reconvened with the Pirate, and the two made their way to the Ravaged Valley to find and confront Sinbad.[4] In the Ravaged Valley, they found the Chimera near the pagoda known as Tamagoyaki Tower, and entered with the assumption Sinbad was inside.[3] They would fight through six levels of the Iron Lotus in the tower before arriving at the top, where they would encounter Sinbad being berated by Kharonchi Khan, who demanded to know the location of the Bessimer Stone, which Khan claimed Sinbad had stolen from the Isle of Ferros. Sinbad denied this claim, but Khan continued to press on, leading Sinbad to explain that while he was named Sinbad, he wasn't the famous Sinbad. Khan still did not believe him, and threatened to cut off a finger for each time Sinbad refused to answer or lied about where the Bessimer Stone was. Albano soon announced he and the Pirate's presence, and Sinbad exclaimed that he knew they would come, but was confused by Toombs not being there. He quickly abandoned this thought though, and said there was nothing as strong as the relationship between a captain and their first mate, telling Albano he was always his favorite. This was interrupted by a brawl between Albano and the Pirate and the remaining Iron Lotus, Tetsukado, and an intervening Kharonchi Khan.[5] Afterwards, Sinbad congratulated Albano on a job well done, calling him the smartest Rat on his ship, but not the fastest. He explained that Albano's resourcefulness is why he promoted him to first mate, on top of his fashion sense. Albano regretfully thanked Sinbad before realizing the current situation and correcting himself by saying to Sinbad that he was lucky he even bothered. This hurt Sinbad, though he was distracted by the presence of the Pirate, whom he called the second-best pirate in the Spiral. Albano asserted that "his Captain" was the best instead, causing Sinbad to realize Albano had found a new crew. Though he said he did not blame Albano for this decision, it nevertheless stung him emotionally. Sinbad said he'd hoped Albano would bring the Pirate to find him after all the help they gave him during the incident with the Crushers, but Albano retorted that Sinbad had simply pretended to be captured, and that it was just one of his tricks to get the Belt of Champions. Sinbad said he'd prefer to call it a "daring exploit" and told Albano that now he had the honor of rescuing his former captain for real, claiming it was just as he planned. He then adressed the Pirate directly about the Belt of Champions and calling them a second-best pirate in a sort-of apology. Albano inquired about where the Belt had gone, and Sinbad said this was a long story, opting to go outside to tell it as he was getting tired of the smell of Yak.

Outside the tower, Sinbad thanked the Pirate for saving him and began to recount a story similar to what had just occurred, but was interrupted by Albano, who wanted to know why he had abandoned his crew back in Devilfish Hollow. Sinbad expressed he'd never betray Albano unless he had to, explaining he had a buyer lined up for the Belt of Champions, who's "not very nice." The thought of him taking Albano and the crew hostage for leverage was too much for Sinbad to bear. Albano disappointingly exclaimed that Sinbad could have just said so, but Sinbad said he never wanted to put him and the crew through so much worry. Instead, he set up a heist, hired an "expendable" crew from MooShu, the Iron Lotus, and pulled off the job. But it turned out the Iron Lotus was in liege to General Klaw, a warlord out of Rajah, and they betrayed him. The Iron Lotus had been hired from right under Sinbad by Klaw, leading to a mutiny that ended in the crew taking him prisoner, and the Chimera being heavily damaged. Klaw took the Belt of Champions and left Sinbad with one of his lieutenants, Kharonchi Khan, who was the one berating him about the Bessimer Stone, though Sinbad said he wasn't really paying attention to him. Inside the tower, he never lost hope that Albano would deduce Sinbad's plan and mount a rescue. He said Klaw was going to use the Belt to get the Eye of the Liger, and Albano interrupted, exclaiming he and the Pirate knew all about it. Sinbad asked if he knew it could destroy any world in the Spiral, taking Albano aback. Sinbad said he thought the Eye was simply the most fabulous gem in the Spiral, but Klaw told him he would use it to conquer Rajah. Albano said it was a good thing they weren't in Rajah, but Sinbad said this was no time to look the other way, and that they had got to save Rajah from Klaw. Since the Chimera was out of commission, Sinbad opted to join the Pirate's crew as first mate. He asserted this moment was the start of a beautiful friendship, and said he would sniff out Klaw's trail and help get the Belt back. He headed to the Pirate's ship, telling Albano to trim the sails and prepare his afternoon tea.[3]


  • The imposter of Sinbad, who had not yet been revealed as such, first appeared in the "Sinbad Adventure" update (retroactively known as "Sinbad Chapter 1"), which was released for Pirate101 live servers on June 10, 2021.[6]
  • In his brief voice-only appearance in "Sinbad Chapter 1," Sinbad's imposter was voiced by Beau Paul, who had previously voiced the original Sinbad in Wizard101.[7] For "Sinbad Chapter 2: The Iron Lotus," the role was recast, with Pirate101 Community Manager Christopher Willis filling the role.[8]



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