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"You know, I don't think they are an honest organization. But they're growing fast. Here, Aggrobah, Rubal Wastes, Alkali Barrows-"

The Serpent Social Club is a criminal organization of Snake thieves based in Mirage. The facetiously named "social club" is involved in protection, shipping and receiving, and antiquities, but also is known to commit robberies on their own customers and steal ancient items from around Mirage.


Robbery of Feroz[]

"You see, I recently hired the Serpent Social Club for protection. But their fees were high and they did nothing to shoo Ghultures from my wares. Then they explained that their fees were not restraining Ghultures, but for restraining themselves. From thievery! Which hardly seems a reputable business model. So I fired them... and they robbed me, took my wares to a Cave down there."

Sometime after the arrest of the Grand Nana in Karamelle, Feroz hired the Serpent Social Club for protection of his wares. However, they did nothing to shoo Ghultures away, and their fees were too high for his liking. The organization would explain that their high fees were not for restraining Ghultures, but for restraining themselves from thievery. Once Feroz fired them, the Social Club robbed him and took his wares to a cave in Caravan.[1]

Lemuria mosaic theft[]

At some point, the Serpent Social Club went into a cave in the Alkali Barrows, and after fighting through some Prickly Dire Bears, removed a mosaic of Lemurs worshipping the Old One from the wall in order to sell it as an antiquity.

On the search for the lost "world" of Lemuria, the Wizard (along with the Old One, who was invisible to everyone except the Wizard themselves) came across Feroz, who said he was in need of a brave adventurer to help him. In exchange for clearing the Snakes out of the cave, he would tell the Wizard all he knew about Lemuria. With the Wizard successfully defeating Bushmaster and Cottonmouth, Feroz would bee able to reclaim his goods without further angering the Serpent Social Club. The journey to find Lemuria continued in the Alkali Barrows, where the Wizard and Old One found where the mural had been taken, tracing its theft back to the Serpent Social Club.

In a backroom at the Thieves' Den, the Serpent Social Club held the Lemuria mosaic and other items. The Wizard fought the two members there, Diamondback and Mrs. Viper, and as a token of respect for being able to defeat her, Mrs. Viper gave the Wizard the opportunity to take mosaic and leave.[1]


  • All of the members of the Serpent Social Club are named after villains from Marvel Comics, a majority of which villains of the superhero Luke Cage.


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "Old is New Again"
Alchemy ClubArcanumArmadaBaboolonian EmpireBaobab CouncilBrunching ClubBuffalo WingsCabalCarpe Diem SocietyCouncil of LightCult of the Corrosive ChorusDragonhorn OrderDuckburgh Mineral EnterprisesFelonious FilliesFifth ColumnGravulum OrderHoly MonquisitionLeague of Exemplary PersonagesLegion of MetalLight BrigadeLords of NightMagnificent SevenMander RebellionMaster's SonsMcCoil BrothersNana's Olde Fashioned Karamelle DelightsOrder of the FangOrder of the Silver RoseOrder of the White LotusRat PackRavenous TeethRed Sash GangRooster's RoastersSerpent Social ClubSerpentine ArmySerpentine Special ForcesShadow WebSpiral Geographic SocietySplithoovesUndead ArmyVigilantsW.I.T.C.H.Wharf RatsWild BunchYakooza