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"You can't fire me. I'll fire you! With fire! Haha! It's a metaphor. You get that, right? Oh, dash it all."
―The Rogue Engineer in a recorded message[src]

The "Rogue Engineer" is a former engineer of the Royal Museum who went rogue after being fired for a catastrophic accident, and deviously reprogrammed the Clockwork security drones so she could get revenge at her employers for the loss of her job.


"Great. Some museum actor. Well, I'll show you. I'll show them all! Revenge is a dish best served ON FIRE!"
―The Rogue Engineer to Stallion Quartermane[src]

At some point, the Rogue Engineer was fired by her employers at the Royal Museum in Marleybone City for crashing a courier ship into a building that had hundred priceless artifacts on board. She would soon find herself reprogramming the museum's Clockwork security drones at their various facilities in an attempt to get back at those she believed to have wronged her. She recorded messages onto the Clockworks to play back to any Royal Museum officials should they enter the building before they would attack.

The Wizard and the Nothing would eventually enter the Royal Museum's storage warehouse to find proof of Lemuria, and they fought their way through the Rogue Engineer's Clockwork drones. Returning to Marleybone City with Stallion Quartermane to find the map to Lemuria, the Rogue Engineer attempted to fight Quartermane, who she believed was simply a museum actor, but the Wizard intervened and defeated her before she could do anything.[1]


To be added




  • The Rogue Engineer is similar in appearance to Grace Conrad, who is also an engineer.


Notes and references[]

  1. Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "La Mort Et Lemuria"

External links[]
