
Rogue's Gallery: Zeena is the 52nd biography in the Rogue's Gallery series. It was published in June 2017 in the Pirate101 Monthly Newsletter.



Subject: Zeena

Home: Aquila

Weapon of Choice: Bow

Occupation: Queen of the Amazons

The daughter of Cyrene, a famous Amazon queen, Zeena has always been known for her hot temper and her love of battle. Just after Zeena came of age, her younger sister Aella was accidentally killed by an Aquilan Legionaire in a territorial skirmish. Overcome by rage, Zeena demanded that her mother launch a total war against the Eagles. When Cyrene opted for restraint, knowing that a war with Nova Aquila was unwinnable, Zeena renounced her family and her kin and departed into the wilds, terrorizing the Aquilan frontier as a raider and one-woman army. Zeena regrets the dark deeds she did in this period to this day.

The impetuous amazon was brought back to the path of heroism by none other than Hawkules, who encountered her on his legendary journeys and convinced her that fighting for the common good was a better way to honor her sister’s memory. After a series of heroic adventures where she helped the common folk of Aquila stand against the threat of Vultures, Cyclopes, and other terrible foes, she returned home to Themiscyra, humbled.

Overjoyed at her daughter’s return, Cyrene welcomed Zeena and restored her status as crown princess. In the fullness of time the crown passed to Zeena. Zeena ruled the Amazons justly, though her temper remained just as quick as in the old days. After she realized she had been tricked into a destructive war with the Centaurs, Zeena decided that perhaps another period as a roving hero might bring her new wisdom. And so it was she joined a brave young pirate captain for a new era of high adventure.


To be added

Rogue's Gallery biographies
Captain AveryThe FrogfatherBoochbeard and GandryCatbeardMadame VadimaMorgan LaFitteBonnie AnneSarah SteeleMordekaiOl' Fish EyeThe CommodoreOld ScratchGracie ConradBlind MewRatbeardShiruku NekoGortezMustang SallyFin DorsalChantal LivingstoneMormoCalamity JaneOne-Eyed JackThe MarchionessPeter QuintCarcarius GrimtoothBishopRookePhuleFan FlandersDeaconMonkey KingSamoclesCount Brastillo de BrassHawkulesCaptain SteedGaspard de VoleMilo GraytailLucky Jack RussellDead MikeBirgus LatroContessa ArgentoBarnabusEnsign EmmettLouis LeBisqueKobe YojimboSubodaiKan PoWing ChunEgg ShenEl ToroZeenaRooster CogburnWild Bill PeacockBuffalo BillBilly the KidBat MastersonDuck HollidayTysonNausicaHoodoo CorneliusHandsome DanIagoTonkaLt. SpringerItzen KaanNanu NanuMickey Dugan