
Rogue's Gallery: Wild Bill Peacock is the 54th biography in the Rogue's Gallery series. It was published in August 2017 in the Pirate101 Monthly Newsletter. It is the second of seven biographies on the members of the Magnificent Seven, picking up from the first, Rogue's Gallery: Calamity Jane, from November 2014.



Subject: "Wild Bill" Peacock

Home: Cooper's Roost, Cool Ranch

Weapon of Choice: Rifle

Occupation: Adventurer, Lawman (retired)

It's difficult to summarize Wild Bill's life – the tall tales he's told about himself blend together with the real history until it's hard to know what's true and what isn't. For example, few beyond Calamity Jane know that his birth name was James.

Bill's parents journeyed to Cool Ranch from Back East long before most other settlers: Bill spent most of his life in a frontier that was emptier and even wilder than Cool Ranch is today. To hear him tell the stories, Bill has been everything from a stagecoach driver to a buffaloon hunter to a bank robber: he earned the nickname "Wild Bill" in his younger, more lawless days.

But all that changed when he met Jane Canary – from that day on he walked the straight and narrow. Jane and Bill had many rollicking adventures across Cool Ranch, but they took up a higher cause when they met the legendary lawman Wyatt Chirp. He was happy to join Wyatt Chirp's gang of lawmen, the Magnificent Seven, and spent years bringing peace and justice to the skyways.

After Wyatt's untimely death Bill and Jane settled down in Cool Ranch, where they ran the town saloon. Bill was sure his daredevil days were over, until one fateful day he met a pirate who would lead him on his greatest adventure of all...


To be added

Rogue's Gallery biographies
Captain AveryThe FrogfatherBoochbeard and GandryCatbeardMadame VadimaMorgan LaFitteBonnie AnneSarah SteeleMordekaiOl' Fish EyeThe CommodoreOld ScratchGracie ConradBlind MewRatbeardShiruku NekoGortezMustang SallyFin DorsalChantal LivingstoneMormoCalamity JaneOne-Eyed JackThe MarchionessPeter QuintCarcarius GrimtoothBishopRookePhuleFan FlandersDeaconMonkey KingSamoclesCount Brastillo de BrassHawkulesCaptain SteedGaspard de VoleMilo GraytailLucky Jack RussellDead MikeBirgus LatroContessa ArgentoBarnabusEnsign EmmettLouis LeBisqueKobe YojimboSubodaiKan PoWing ChunEgg ShenEl ToroZeenaRooster CogburnWild Bill PeacockBuffalo BillBilly the KidBat MastersonDuck HollidayTysonNausicaHoodoo CorneliusHandsome DanIagoTonkaLt. SpringerItzen KaanNanu NanuMickey Dugan