
Pirate101 Rogue's Gallery Peter Quint

Rogue's Gallery: Peter Quint is the twenty-fifth episode of Rogue's Gallery. It was released on YouTube on February 2, 2015.



"Welcome to the Pirate101 Rogue’s Gallery. Subject, Peter Quint

Jeremiah Quint’s family was the first of the Pelicans to clamber up the sides of the Great Whale, one of the founders of the fishing village that would come to be Jonahtown. For a long while the Quints were the most prosperous fisherman in the village... until the frogs and their minions moved into the belly of the Whale. As The Frogfather rose to power, Pelicans like the Quints became less and less influential. Things grew so bad that Peter, youngest of the clan, vowed never to touch fishing tackle again. Peter left Jonahtown aboard a Monquistan Galleon, bound to seek his fortune in the Napoleguinic Wars.

In the lean years after the wars, Quint’s newfound skills as a warrior coupled with his old skills as angler made him one of the best Bounty Hunters in the Spiral. He hunted all types of quarry: Wharf Rat Rogues in Skull Island, Mustang Outlaws in Cool Ranch, Moo Shu Bandits, even the worst Radicals of Albion were no match for Quint’s relentless skill as a hunter. But after many turns of the Spiral, Quint found himself craving something more meaningful than mere gold –true adventure! Seeking out his old friend Mordekai at Skull Island Fort, he resolved to find a great captain and follow them to glory.

These pirates and more await you when you play for free at”



To be added

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Sweet Satisfaction of Karamelle in Wizard101. The Friendly Necromancer (November 23, 2020). Archived from the original on March 9, 2022.
Rogue's Gallery biographies
Captain AveryThe FrogfatherBoochbeard and GandryCatbeardMadame VadimaMorgan LaFitteBonnie AnneSarah SteeleMordekaiOl' Fish EyeThe CommodoreOld ScratchGracie ConradBlind MewRatbeardShiruku NekoGortezMustang SallyFin DorsalChantal LivingstoneMormoCalamity JaneOne-Eyed JackThe MarchionessPeter QuintCarcarius GrimtoothBishopRookePhuleFan FlandersDeaconMonkey KingSamoclesCount Brastillo de BrassHawkulesCaptain SteedGaspard de VoleMilo GraytailLucky Jack RussellDead MikeBirgus LatroContessa ArgentoBarnabusEnsign EmmettLouis LeBisqueKobe YojimboSubodaiKan PoWing ChunEgg ShenEl ToroZeenaRooster CogburnWild Bill PeacockBuffalo BillBilly the KidBat MastersonDuck HollidayTysonNausicaHoodoo CorneliusHandsome DanIagoTonkaLt. SpringerItzen KaanNanu NanuMickey Dugan