
Pirate101 Rogue's Gallery Gracie Conrad

Rogue's Gallery: Gracie Conrad is the thirteenth episode of Rogue's Gallery. It was released on YouTube on February 3, 2014.



"Welcome to the Pirate101 Rogue's Gallery. Subject, Gracie Conrad

Grace Conrad (Gracie to her friends) has ships and sailing in her blood: she comes from a long line of famous Merchant Marines. Gracie had hoped to follow in their footsteps but her father, the famed Captain Conrad, insisted his daughter get a proper education instead. The first in her family to go to university, Gracie earned high marks at Strathclydesdale college in Albion , greatest engineering university in the Spiral. After graduation, Grace soon grew bored to tears designing factories and bridges. Struck by a desire to see the Spiral like her sailing forebears, Grace joined the Spiral Geographic Society and traveled far abroad, studying archaeological sites in Krokotopia before joining Thurston Plunkett's Grand Celestian Expedition. Her travels were then cut short by the hostilities with Valencia. Grace did her part by working tireless to repair and refit Royal Navy ships at the Main Docks on the Isle of Dogs. Who could have guessed that a secret mission would have thrown her in with a famous pirate crew - Gracie is roaming the Spiral once again!

These pirates and more await you when you play for free at"






Organizations and titles[]

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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Sweet Satisfaction of Karamelle in Wizard101. The Friendly Necromancer (November 23, 2020). Archived from the original on March 9, 2022.
Rogue's Gallery biographies
Captain AveryThe FrogfatherBoochbeard and GandryCatbeardMadame VadimaMorgan LaFitteBonnie AnneSarah SteeleMordekaiOl' Fish EyeThe CommodoreOld ScratchGracie ConradBlind MewRatbeardShiruku NekoGortezMustang SallyFin DorsalChantal LivingstoneMormoCalamity JaneOne-Eyed JackThe MarchionessPeter QuintCarcarius GrimtoothBishopRookePhuleFan FlandersDeaconMonkey KingSamoclesCount Brastillo de BrassHawkulesCaptain SteedGaspard de VoleMilo GraytailLucky Jack RussellDead MikeBirgus LatroContessa ArgentoBarnabusEnsign EmmettLouis LeBisqueKobe YojimboSubodaiKan PoWing ChunEgg ShenEl ToroZeenaRooster CogburnWild Bill PeacockBuffalo BillBilly the KidBat MastersonDuck HollidayTysonNausicaHoodoo CorneliusHandsome DanIagoTonkaLt. SpringerItzen KaanNanu NanuMickey Dugan