
Rogue's Gallery: Contessa Argento is the 42nd biography in the Rogue's Gallery series, focusing on the companion Contessa Argento. It was published in August 2016 in the Pirate101 Monthly Newsletter.



“Subject: Contessa Argento
Home: Valencia
Weapon of Choice: Foil
Occupation: Aristocrat Intriguer

Luisa Sophia Maddalena di Argento was born into one of the most prestigious noble families in Valencia. Indeed, her great uncle was once reckoned to be thirty-seventh or thirty-eighth in line for the throne (the precise number is the source of much dispute). The youngest of seven siblings, Luisa learned very early that all that was expected of her and her three sisters was that they marry well to boost the family's prestige. Luisa smiled, nodded, and resolved to do as she pleased.

By the time she was ten she was a master of courtesy and etiquette, but she was also an excellent fencer. Her eccentric uncle Fabrizzio Argento noticed her fiery spirit and love of adventure and arranged to have her trained by a master. In secret, of course. When Luisa reached marrying age she took great delight in tormenting and ridiculing her suitors, whom she was invariably cleverer than. Her parents gave up on the idea of marrying her, and Luisa was ordained as Contessa, and left to live a life of gossip and intrigue in the royal court . . . where she absolutely flourished.

Like the rest of the Valencian nobility, the young Contessa was only dimly aware of the Napoleguinic Wars and the rise of the Armada. Clockworks were strange and wondrous things, great fun at parties, but otherwise not worth noticing. But as time went on the young Contessa was shaken from her indifference all too soon.

Never one to do what was expected of her, Luisa fell in love with a dashing young ship captain, a spice merchant who grew rich from trade with MooShu. She was stunned when her true love lost his livelihood to the Armada's monopoly on trade, and didn't know what to think when he sailed off with the Resistance to fight. When he never returned, Luisa discovered that she did indeed know what to think.

Contessa Argento has worked to topple the Armada ever since. It took her years to make contact with the crippled Resistance, and she has spent all her time since helping the opposition organize for the day when the final battle with Kane would begin. And when she met a young pirate from Skull Island, she knew the day had finally come..."


To be added

Rogue's Gallery biographies
Captain AveryThe FrogfatherBoochbeard and GandryCatbeardMadame VadimaMorgan LaFitteBonnie AnneSarah SteeleMordekaiOl' Fish EyeThe CommodoreOld ScratchGracie ConradBlind MewRatbeardShiruku NekoGortezMustang SallyFin DorsalChantal LivingstoneMormoCalamity JaneOne-Eyed JackThe MarchionessPeter QuintCarcarius GrimtoothBishopRookePhuleFan FlandersDeaconMonkey KingSamoclesCount Brastillo de BrassHawkulesCaptain SteedGaspard de VoleMilo GraytailLucky Jack RussellDead MikeBirgus LatroContessa ArgentoBarnabusEnsign EmmettLouis LeBisqueKobe YojimboSubodaiKan PoWing ChunEgg ShenEl ToroZeenaRooster CogburnWild Bill PeacockBuffalo BillBilly the KidBat MastersonDuck HollidayTysonNausicaHoodoo CorneliusHandsome DanIagoTonkaLt. SpringerItzen KaanNanu NanuMickey Dugan