The Stallion Quartermane Memorial Tower, also known as Quartermane Tower, is a tower in Regent's Square, Marleybone City that serves as a memorial to early Spiral explorer Stallion Quartermane, who was thought to have died long ago.
- "Why is this wing so dusty? It doesn't seem anyone's come here in a while. Am I so forgotten?"
- ―Stallion Quartermane[src]
When the Wizard and Stallion Quartermane came to the Royal Museum to find Quartermane's map to Lemuria, they were sent to Quartermane Tower by Conservator Olivia, who believed Quartermane was a historical performer and not the real person. Inside the tower, it was discovered that the Rogue Engineer that the Royal Museum had fired was hiding inside with her rampaging Potbelly drones. She noticed Stallion Quartermane and asked who he was, but ultimately didn't care as she sought revenge on everyone for her firing. The Engineer was defeated and she left, but not before claiming she would get revenge on the Wizard. Quartermane noticed the tower was dusty and came to the conclusion it was because he was forgotten, but assured that would be changed once he and the Wizard found Lemuria and he explored the "whole new" Spiral. He then found his map to Lemuria in the room.[1]