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Pyromancy, also known as Fire, Fire Magic or Fire Arts, is the Elemental School of Magic which utilizes Fire Magic and focuses on passion, enthusiasm and raw emotion. Practitioners of Fire, known as Pyromancers, are quick to anger and consumed by whatever drives them at the moment. They utilize Incantations to dominate and convince creatures of Fire to do their bidding.



In the Days Before, the Dragon Titan ruled the First World alongside his brethren, the Ice Titan and Storm Titan. In the embers of the Dragon Titan left in the wake of the destruction of the First World during the Titan War, the Dragons were born, harnessing the power of the Fire Magic they created[1] to rule the lands of the Spiral. Eventually, Fire Magic was passed on to younger races, and Dragons were pushed out of the fledgling Worlds, seeking refuge under the large sleeping form of their ancestor. From the Dragons came the Drakes, who would ultimately form alliances with the early roving Human clans in an act of rebellion against their Dragon parents, establishing the Empire of Dragonspyre.[2]

Use in schools[]

To be added


Notes and references[]

  1. Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "Roving Reporter"
  2. Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "The Lore You Know"

External links[]
