Puppet Pirates 1

The first ever Puppet Pirates, published in November 2012

Puppet Pirates is a monthly one-panel cartoon series published by KingsIsle Entertainment on the Pirate101 social media pages. The series is based on the loading screens of Boochbeard and Mr. Gandry from Pirate101 and features the two of them finding themselves in various, often comedic situations. The captions for each of the images are provided by and voted on by the community, with the final captions being featured in the Pirate101 Monthly Newsletter. The series began in November 2012 and has been going ever since, making it the second longest-running piece of Spiral Games Universe supplementary media behind Abracadoodle.


# Image Month Caption Contributor
1 Puppet Pirates 1 November 2012 Boochbeard: "Don't worry, they’re bound to let us go. You taste terrible." Crazy Charlie Higgins
2 Puppet Pirates 2 December 2012 Gandry: "I call shotgun!" Stubborn Tarryn Webb
3 Puppet Pirates 3 January 2013 Fin: "Remember this moment, pirate. This is the moment when after defeating me I gave you the haircut you asked for." Phillip Ashburn
4 Puppet Pirates 4 February 2013 Boochbeard: "Shhh monkey."
Blind Mew: "Put some of that treasure in my cup pirate, and I didn't hear a thing."
Stubborn Tarryn Webb
5 Puppet Pirates 5 March 2013 Boochbeard: "Heads or Tails?"
Gandry: "Wings!"
Clever Wolf Donnely
6 Puppet Pirates 6 April 2013 Boochbeard: "C'mon Gandry, do you want to live forever!?"
Gandry: "Well I'd prefer to live longer than this!"
Dashing Roberto Sharp
7 Puppet Pirates 7 May 2013 Boochbeard: "Gandry, This is definitely NOT how to make ratatouille!" Bloody Ethan Dodger
8 Puppet Pirates 8 June 2013 Boochbeard: "Please tell me this thing has rapid fire..." Brave Brianna Noble
9 Puppet Pirates 9 July 2013 Boochbeard: "And for just five payments of seventy five gold, YOUR monkey can look just like this fine gentleman! Just ask Mister Gandry!"
Gandry: "Indeed! Call now!"
Eager Darby Thatcher
10 Puppet Pirates 10 August 2013 Boochbeard: "You weren't supposed to take 'Blow The Man Down' literally, It's a pirate song!" Fair Christina Nightingale
11 Puppet Pirates 11 September 2013 Gandry: "I do not think zis 'piñata' of yours is going to release candy ... But by all means!" Silver Talon Ire
12 Puppet Pirates 12 October 2013 Gandry: "Yer supposed to wait until AFTER we sing 'Happy Birthday'!” Red Christina Fisher
13 Puppet Pirates 13 November 2013 Boochbeard: "I came in like a wrecking ball..."
Gandry: "Captain, this is not the time NOR place for that kind of song!"
Sincere Shawna Everhart
14 Puppet Pirates 14 December 2013 Boochbeard: "Ok Gandry, how does this ability work?"
Gandry: "Captain, I swear you blow into the fish--I have seen Catbeard do this before!"
Rude Katherine Sheffield
15 Puppet Pirates 15 January 2014 Boochbeard: "Can you see the new updates yet? Hurry, your impatience is heavy." Fair Christina Nightingale
16 Puppet Pirates 16 February 2014 Boochbeard: "How much did you pay him?"
Gandry: "A buck buck buck!"
Canny Richard Armstrong
17 Puppet Pirates 17 March 2014 Boochbeard: "Are you sure this is the ‘Fish are friends, not food’ meeting?" Clever Melody Poole
18 Puppet Pirates 18 April 2014 Boochbeard: "Maybe advanced pets weren't such a good idea..." Brave Alaric Bellamy
19 Puppet Pirates 19 May 2014 Gandry: "Um. I know Yum can heal most anything, but I think your buddy there is beyond help." Brave Alaric Bellamy
20 Puppet Pirates 20 June 2014 Boochbeard: "Gandry! When I said I wanted to play a game of twister, this was not what I meant!" Fiery Griffin Windlass
21 Puppet Pirates 21 July 2014 "I warned you this would happen if you ignored the 'Backpack Full' message." Fair Christina Nightingale
22 Puppet Pirates 22 August 2014 "Dance, Monkey, dance!"
"He talking to you or me?"
Inky John
23 Puppet Pirates 23 September 2014 Boochbeard: "Ma always said I was worth my weight in gold." Jennifer West
24 Puppet Pirates 24 October 2014 "Why you worried Captain? Well, this is just the bait!" Daring Delany Devereaux
25 Puppet Pirates 25 November 2014 Vadima: "Your future is cloudy."
Boochbeard: "Really!?"
Vadima: "Yes! So stop fogging up my crystal ball!"
Fiery Davy Jones
26 Puppet Pirates 26 December 2014 Boochbeard: "Ain't there an easier way to roast an apple?"
Bonnie Anne: "Yes, but the troggies took my crockpot!"
Two-Faced Terry Cog
27 Puppet Pirates 27 January 2015 Boochbeard: "Sigh... How did monkeys even become tailors?"
The tailor: "I saw ye humans do it!"
Gandry: "Ya know what they say Cap! monkey see monkey do!"
28 Puppet Pirates 28 February 2015 Troggies: "ATTACK! Those pirates are stealing our salt and pepper shakers again!" Crafty Pearl Wright
29 Puppet Pirates 29 March 2015 Boochbeard: "Trust me, just a few more like this and we will have our very own glow in the dark swords." Fair Christina Nightingale
30 Puppet Pirates 30 April 2015 Boochbeard: "When ye said 'wanna box a chicken?', I thought ye meant fried!" Dark Calamity Dodger
31 Puppet Pirates 31 May 2015 Boochbeard: "Relax, the treasure map is safe inside my hat! We ride!" Humble Humphrey Hawkins
32 Puppet Pirates 32 June 2015 Boochbeard: "Sorry, little fellah, we just have peanuts, not nuts and bolts!" Ruthless Richard Sharp
33 Puppet Pirates 33 July 2015 Boochbeard: "Gandry, when you said you had a family reunion to go to, this was NOT what I had in mind!"
Gandry: "Hey, Cousin Pierre is just a little over-enthusiastic sometimes! ...Especially when he hasn't seen you at a family reunion for 22 years..."
Belle Burton
34 Puppet Pirates 34 August 2015 Boochbeard: "These bananas better be made out of gold..."
Gandry: "BANANAS!"
Cunning Valdus Xavier
35 Puppet Pirates 35 September 2015 Gandry: "I don't think you seem to get the point."
Boochbeard: "Oh I get the point, a lot of points that is."
Greedy Jeremy Lawson
36 Puppet Pirates 36 October 2015 Boochbeard: "*singing* it's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight, rising up to the challenge of his rival..."
Gandry: "You aren't helping!"
Clumsy Calamity
37 Puppet Pirates 37 November 2015 Boochbeard: "Gandry stop walking, we need to check for the armada."
*Gandry slipping on the banana peel*
Armada guy: "You two are the worst at hiding, I've been standing here for an hour watching you."
Reckless Paul Silver
38 Puppet Pirates 38 December 2015 Boochbeard: "I believe I can fly!!"
Gandry: "I don't!!!"
Black Wolf Bowman
39 Puppet Pirates 39 January 2016 Boochbeard: "Gandry, I'm not so sure the Armada's celebratin' the new year.... That last one looked a lot like cannon fire ter me." Ian Sharp
40 Puppet Pirates 40 February 2016 Gandry: "Come, Capitan! Zese soldiers cannot aim for bananas!"
Boochbeard: "It's easy to be missed when you're only 2 feet tall!"
Noble Blaine Bellamy
41 Puppet Pirates 41 March 2016 Gandry: "Just a little more and this treasure be ours!"
Boochbeard: "Monkey pick your pace up I can hear them comin'! The ol' hook won't last forever!"
Crafty Ulysses
42 Puppet Pirates 42 April 2016 Boochbeard: "Quietly now, collect the loot!"
Gandry: "Don't you mean the lute?"
Crafty Ulysses
43 Puppet Pirates 43 May 2016 Gandry: "Captain, I've got this end.... how are you doing with the front?"
Harry Halyard
44 Puppet Pirates 44 June 2016 Boochbeard: "Don't act bananas and leave that banana!"
Gandry: "But it's just too appeeling! Never mind let's split"
Silver Felix Hawkins
45 Puppet Pirates 45 July 2016 Gandry: "CAPTAIN, we seem to be experiencing some major tentacle difficulties!" Strong Jack
46 Puppet Pirates 46 August 2016 Gandry: "Zis map is a-maze-ingly hard to understand, captain."
Boochbeard: "I've got a feelin' we'll need to 'hoof' it out of here! FAST!"
Slick Michael Radcliffe
47 Puppet Pirates 47 September 2016 Boochbeard: "Wouldja look at it, Monkey? The mosquitos here must be the size o' me ship!" Noble Blaine Bellamy
48 Puppet Pirates 48 October 2016 Boochbeard: "I SWEAR, sheriff, I didn't mean 'fryer' as in 'chicken'! I was talking about Gandry's cousin in the church!" Noble Blaine Bellamy
49 Puppet Pirates 49 November 2016 Boochbeard: "I think I can live without those Crockogater boots, Monkey."
Gandry: "Good call, Captain."
Clever Olivia Carter
50 Puppet Pirates 50 December 2016 Gandry: "No, Captain, I said, 'Let's quit while we are ahead,' not 'Don't quit 'til we're beheaded.'" Earnest Eric
51 Puppet Pirates 51 January 2017 Boochbeard: "Are ye SURE this will give me the strength of them Sea-Dogs?"
Gandry: "Aye, Capitan! (Or at least smell like them)."
Harry Halyard
52 Puppet Pirates 52 February 2017 Boochbeard: "While we were dangling, we felt like roasted chickens!"
Gandry: "No offense."
Gandry: "Aye, Capitan! (Or at least smell like them)."
Cedric Leech
53 Puppet Pirates 53 March 2017 Boochbeard: "Do ye think we can get past them, monkey?"
Gandry: "Well, if that kid could by walking on these sidewalks, why can't we?"
Kyle Everett
54 Puppet Pirates 54 April 2017 Gandry: "This is the COOLest ride ever!"
Boochbeard: "Arr, good on ye...all I can get it to do is shiver me, ah....timbers."
Slick Devin Silver
55 Puppet Pirates 55 May 2017 Boochbeard: "...Then I sent that ignoramus troll out on a snipe hunt and this freshly cooked meal was ours."
Gandry: *Gulps* "Um.ixna on the ignoramus...uh - a olltra!"
Golden Christina
56 Puppet Pirates 56 June 2017 "Step aside boys ... I'll take a stab at it." Virtuous Vanessa
57 Puppet Pirates 57 July 2017 Gandry: "You really can see more fireworks from up here."
Boochbeard: "Yeah isn’t it a blast!"
58 Puppet Pirates 58 August 2017 Gandry: "I don't think that's what's going to get squeezed." Michelle
59 Puppet Pirates 59 September 2017 Boochbeard: "Have some candy! It's 'purr'fect, har!"
Gandry: "Capi'ton, zhis is truly a 'sweet' moment, no?"
Boochbeard: "Ya gotta be 'kitten' me, monkey! Nothin's sweeter than this!"
Alex Kidd
60 Puppet Pirates 60 October 2017 Gandry: "He isn’t over here here captain...."
Boochbeard: "Hmmm.... I have a feline he’s nearby."
Gandry: "This is a real head scratcher!"
Clever Klaus
61 Puppet Pirates 61 November 2017 Boochbeard: "Fire at will!"
Gandry: "Wait, which one's Will?"
Golden Luke Dove
62 Puppet Pirates 62 December 2017 Scrooge: "Are you the spirit whose coming was foretold to me?!"
Boochbeard: "Uh... no. We be yer laundry service. There's been a slight problem with yer sheets."
Noble Blaine Bellamy
63 Puppet Pirates 63 January 2018 Boochbeard: "Can we switch sides? I don't think this head likes me too much..."
Gandry: "No can do, my friend. When we're dealing with someone as two faced as this, I'd rather stay on the good side!"
Silver Melody
64 Puppet Pirates 64 February 2018 "And I will hug him and squeeze him and cuddle him and name him George." Sam Underhill
65 Puppet Pirates 65 March 2018 Boochbeard: "I'm gunna tell the mom you gave him chocolate."
Gandry: "Don't be such a rattle-tail Boochbeard!"
66 Puppet Pirates 66 April 2018 "'Get the new April Fool's mount' they said. 'It'll be FUN!' they said...." Golden Christina
67 Puppet Pirates 67 May 2018 Boochbeard: "He plays music very well!"
Gandry: "Yes but his voice sounds a little hoarse "
Grace Kelly
68 Puppet Pirates 68 June 2018 Boochbeard: "When I said we needed access to the web, this is not what I meant!" Jack Teach
69 Puppet Pirates 69 July 2018 Bishop: "Can you stop breaking my machine? It really GRINDS MY GEARS!"
Boochbeard: "That’s a machine? We thought it was a weird steering wheel..."
Noble Connor Ashford
70 Puppet Pirates 70 August 2018 Gandry: "What's he in for?"
Boochbeard: "He's a cat burglar."
Gandry: "Why does he look like that?"
Boochbeard: "Catnip withdrawals."
71 Puppet Pirates 71 September 2018
72 Puppet Pirates 72 October 2018 Boochbeard: "Garrr! After 6 years of traveling with ya monkey, I should have got used to these kind of parties..." Pirate Seth
73 Puppet Pirates 73 November 2018 Gandry: "I knew those wizards were using the wrong bait!"
Boochbeard: "And, look! A windstone to Darkmoor!"
Sneaky Kendrick
74 Puppet Pirates 74 December 2018 Gandry: "That's not the rifle I asked you to get for me on Christmas!"
Boochbeard: "Who the blazes are ye!?"
Krampus: "I'm your Christmas present! And past nightmares you naughty lubbers."
Smart L.
75 Puppet Pirates 75 January 2019 Gandry: "That'll teach him to try photobombing our cartoon!" Iridian Jones
76 Puppet Pirates 76 February 2019 Gandry: "This takes me hearties to a new level!" Dark Aurora
77 Puppet Pirates 77 March 2019 Boochbeard: "It's a small world after all Gandry!" Noble Kevin Sharp
78 Puppet Pirates 78 April 2019 Gandry: "I feel like this is causing a raft in our relationship."
Boochbeard: “Your just made I skiffed a little off your supplies!”
Jack Nightingale
79 Puppet Pirates 79 May 2019 Boochbeard: "Paddle faster me harpy! I men me hearty!"
Gandry: "I’m trying! It’s quite difficult to paddle upstream!"

Boochbeard: "Keep paddling, monkey!"
Gandry: "I am, quit harping me about it!"
Taylor Taylor

Dark Aurora
80 Puppet Pirates 80 June 2019 Boochbeard: "You don't suppose this is what Wizards take to get around the Spiral, do you monkey?"
Gandry: "No, you may go first. I'll 'help' you through..."
Dark Aurora
81 Puppet Pirates 81 July 2019 Boochbeard: "It was sweet of the Armada to offer us a day at the beach, but they took this burying in the sand thing a bit too far, I'm thinkin'."
Gandry: "Most kind of them to offer to go get us some lemonades, too, but they've been gone an awfully long time...isn't that the tide coming in out there?"
Samuel W.
82 Puppet Pirates 82 August 2019 Gandry: "I forgot to wash my feet again!"
Boochbeard: "Arrr, that what be putting the yum in the yum yum."
Trustworthy Tyler Kidd
83 Puppet Pirates 83 September 2019 "And it was at that exact moment when Gandry realized that Sky Jellies make for poor camouflage." Davy Jones
84 Puppet Pirates 84 October 2019 Gandry: "Doctor, I’ve been hit. I think I’ll die tomorrow!"
Boochbeard: "Relax Gandry, it’s just a splinter."
85 Puppet Pirates 85 December 2019
86 Puppet Pirates 86 December 2019 Boochbeard: "I didn't think we would make it alive with all of this loot."
Gandry: "Not for long on this sinking ship Boochbeard!"
87 Puppet Pirates 87 January 2020 Boochbeard: "You really need to be more careful where you are when you use the expression 'Kill two birds with one stone'." Golden Christina
88 Puppet Pirates 88 February 2020 Gandry: "Capitan, are you sure this frog is 'toad'ally worth it? He's giving me a slimy look."
Boochbeard: "No jokes in front of the Frogfather! And aye' I'm sure he's real 'ribbit'ing!"
89 Puppet Pirates 89 March 2020 Leprechaun: "Try as they will and as they might, who steals me gold won't live through the night!"
Gandry: "Can we talk this out? We weren't stealing, right? *sweats nervously*"
Llewella Rubyflame
90 Puppet Pirates 90 April 2020 Boochbeard: "Are we sure this is where the Easter egg hunt was?"
Gandry: "Why?"
Boochbeard: "Because I don't think that's a chocolate treat in there!"
Golden Harmony Nightingale
91 Puppet Pirates 91 May 2020 Guard: "Hey! That bath is for our legendary heroes!"
Gandry: "But we are lejendary! We 'ave been through coun-tellz advéntuairs!"
Guard: "Not around here you're not!"
Taylor Taylor
92 Puppet Pirates 92 June 2020 Boochbeard: "That cloud looks like a turtle."
Gandry: "Because it is a turtle."
Guard: "Oh... that explains the color!"
Clever James Englund
93 Puppet Pirates 93 July 2020 Gandry: "Be quiet while you pick it up, we don't want to make it at the top of his list of the naughtiest pirates to chase!” Smart Logan West
94 Puppet Pirates 94 August 2020 Boochbeard: "Ho, Gandry! Ye got a nice one! Quick, reel her in!"
Gandry: "Uh, Boochbeard? What happened to the top half of your fishing pole?"
Emmaline Ironside
95 Puppet Pirates 95 September 2020
96 Puppet Pirates 96 October 2020 Gandry: "See captain, we’re still here after 8 years!" Honest Abe
97 Puppet Pirates 97 November 2020 Gandry: "You told me two heads are better than one. But you never told me that it was a joke before going in to charge 3 heads at once!" Smart Logan West
98 Puppet Pirates 98 January 2021 Boochbeard: "Are we there yet?"
Gandry: "Ughhh, we would be there if you didn’t get the directions from BLIND MEW!"
Boochbeard: "Soooo no?"
Senor Spicy
99 Puppet Pirates 99 February 2021 Boochbeard: "I would be bananas to not accept you into my crew."
Gandry: "But I thought I was the only monkey for you?"
Fiery Griffin Windlass
100 Puppet Pirates 100 March 2021 Boochbeard: "Quick! We need to get out of here before they spot us!"
Gandry: "Don’t worry, Mr. Sparkle will teleport us in no time. Onward Mr. Sparkle..."
Boochbeard: "WAIT FOR MEEE!!"
101 Puppet Pirates 101 April 2021 Boochbeard: "This is a disaster! A tragedy! An absolute catastrophe!"
Gandry: "Oh no, did she see us?!"
Boochbeard: "Worse! My beard is uneven!"
Able Abe
102 Puppet Pirates May 2021 May 2021 Gandry: "When I complained about needing a haircut this morning, this wasn’t what I had in mind!"
Boochbeard: "Aye, where’s a barber shop when you need one?"
Virtuous Vanessa
103 Puppet Pirates 103 June 2021 Boochbeard: "Gandry, I thought you said we were going to watch a sequel."
Gandry: "I did. The Polarian War: Part 2"
104 Puppet Pirates 104 July 2021 Boochbeard: "Don't move!"
Gandry: "Why? What's happening?"
Boochbeard: "Looks like we're stuck between a rock and a hard place."
105 Puppet Pirates 105 August 2021 Boochbeard: "Gandry I see a sky squid on the horizon! What say ye' we battle for some dinner?"
Gandry: "I swear I will push him into the clouds if he can't leave the deck swabbed for five minutes."
Galen Radcliffe
106 Puppet Pirates 106 September 2021 Boochbeard: "Do ye think any of these patches will fit me well Gandry?"
Gandry: "Perhaps not with that thick skull of yours, Captain. These are in size extra small."
Boochbeard: *eyes Gandry suspiciously*
Ruthless Emily DeClark
107 Puppet Pirates 107 October 2021 Kids: "Arrrr! Give us candy or yeee will walk the plank!"
Boochbeard: "Ah, always good to see the young ones getting into the spirit early on."
Gandry: "Speak for yourself. I believe that one stuck their tongue out at me!"
Fiery Griffin Windlass
108 Puppet Pirates 108 November 2021 Hawkules: "Ha-Ha! It is I Hawkules! Legendary Legionnaire, Trump Card of Talos, and the famed son of Zeus, King of the Gods!"
Boochbeard: "Get a load of the prideful peregrine, eh Gandry."
Gandry: "Aye, he is the colossus of conceit."
Galen Radcliffe
109 Puppet Pirates 109 December 2021 Boochbeard: "I thought you said we were giving out presents this year..."
Gandry: "Apparently not."
Bloody Martin Pew
110 Puppet Pirates 110 January 2022 Shark: "Ow! Me golden tooth! The both of ye were after it all along! What kind of dentists are ye supposed to be!?"
Gandry: "Back to the ship quickly, we're in for the worst of it now."
Boochbeard: "Beware his bite now be worse than his bark, or was."
Loyal Wolf Walker
111 Puppet Pirates 111 February 2022 Marleybone Dogs: "Oi! Pirates! Get away from them crates!”
Boochbeard: "Looks like they got us now old boy!”
Gandry: "Are we giving up this easily Captain? should we call the young pirate for help?"
Marleybone Dogs: "Young pirate? Who be that?"
Fearless Nicole Ramsey
112 Puppet Pirates 112 March 2022 Gandry: "Our quest has us feeling lucky today. Its not everyday you get to see the Leprechaun. Are these costumes really going to work?"
Boochbeard: "We blend right in with the forest and trees. Yohoho! The Leprechauns pot of gold awaits over the rainbow." (Never posted)
Loyal Wolf Walker
113 Puppet Pirates 113 April 2022 Boochbeard: "The voyage for treasure be lost, enemies are upon us, time to do a barrel roll back to the ship."
Mr. Gandry: "Hiding in this barrel was supposed to be a good disguise. Escaping in it on the other hand is un-barrel-able."
Loyal Wolf Walker
114 Puppet Pirates 114 May 2022 Boochbeard: "This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Boochbeard!"
115 Puppet Pirates 115 June 2022 None None
116 Puppet Pirates 116 July 2022 Boochbeard: "Gandry you're the only treasure I need!" @Professor__Hyde
117 Puppet Pirates 117 August 2022 Gandry: "Who woulda thought these scratchy fellas could do such a damage?"
Boochbeard: "Whoops! We better leave now that the cat’s out of the box."
118 Puppet Pirates 118 October 2022 Boochbeard: "Happy 10th birthday, mateys! I seem to have forgotten the zero..."
Gandry: "I have it, Capitan! Happy 10th birthday Pirate101!"
119 Unknown Unknown Unknown
120 Unknown Unknown Unknown
121 Puppet Pirates 121 January 2023 Unknown Unknown
122 Puppet Pirates 122 February 2023 Unknown Unknown
123 Puppet Pirates 123 March 2023 Unknown Unknown
124 Puppet Pirates 124 May 2023 Unknown Unknown
125 Puppet Pirates 125 June 2023 Unknown Unknown
126 Puppet Pirates 126 August 2023 Unknown Unknown
127 Puppet Pirates 127 August 2023 Unknown Unknown
128 Puppet Pirates 128 September 2023 Unknown Unknown
129 Puppet Pirates 129 October 2023 Unknown Unknown
130 Puppet Pirates 130 November 2023 Unknown Unknown

Notes and references[]

External links[]
