Not to be confused with Padraig.

"They say in Albion we've two revolutionaries for every one head of livestock. One such revolutionary is my former compatriot, Eoin Byrne. Byrne commandeered one of those fancy Armada Dreadnaughts from the fleet you laid low, and he's filled it with Eagle Fire!"
―Padraig McCallum to the Pirate[src]

Padraig McCallum is an Albion revolutionary who was a former compatriot of Eoin Byrne, the latter of whom commandeered an Armada Dreadnaught and filled it with hundreds of barrels of Eagle Fire, an explosive with the ability to burn white hot above and under the water. In Avery's Court on Skull Island, McCallum informed the Pirate of what Byrne had done, and his intent to park the Dreadnaught by an island in Cool Ranch's Big Sky Skyway and demand a king's ransom from the locals to not blow up the Dreadnaught and take the island with it. He directed the Pirate to Big Sky to disable the local Big Sky Sentinels so they couldn't set set off the Eagle Fire with their cannons, board the Dreadnaught, and then get Byrne to surrender.[1]


  • Padraig McCallum was first teased in a teaser posted on the official Pirate101 Twitter account on May 15, 2023.[2] He made his full first appearance with the release of the "Sinbad Chapter 2: The Iron Lotus" update to Pirate101 live servers on May 24, 2023, which included the Byrne Uprising event.[3]
  • Padraig McCallum was voiced by Mike Sears.[4]



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