- "You truly think to face me, Wizard? Do you have any concept of what I am? No mere ghost lost in the ether, I am Darkness. King of the Dead, Lord of the Nightshade, Master of the things in the dark which float and scream. And now you have the honor of becoming one of my subjects."
- ―Lord Nightshade to the Wizard[src]
Lord Nightshade was an individual who in Undeath became a Wraith that led the invasions of Wizard City, working under Malistaire Drake and commanding his Undead Army. Residing in Stormdrain Tower within the Haunted Cave, Nightshade would come face-to-face with the Wizard, with them besting him in combat.[1]
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- With the First Time User Experience (FTUE) changes to the Wizard City storyline in 2021, Lord Nightshade's voice and dialogue was changed. In the original version of the questline, before fighting Lord Nightshade he would say, "Wizard, I am having a vision... I foresee darkness descending upon you... Let us seal your fate..."[1]
- The Monstroly Tome description for Lord Nightshade reads, "The undying ruler of the unruly Undead. Despite being one of Malistaire's top collaborators, he can only afford to rent Stormdrain Tower."