Mr. Gandry is the first mate of Boochbeard. He is a gifted naval tactician and commander, but his hot temper got him thrown out of every naval power in the Spiral.
Earlier life[]
Mr. Gandry was described as a born commander and a gifted naval tactitian. He was seen as a rising star in the Monquistan Navy before a matter of honor and a duel led to him renouncing his commission and defecting to Polaris, then ruled by Napoleguin.[1]
In the Polarian Navy, Gandry quickly rose to the rank of Captain and served with distinction, acquiring a thick Polarian accent over time. In the height of the Polarian Wars, a dispute with a fellow Navy officer led him to defect again to the Marleybonian Navy, who were part of the allied forces of the Spiral fighting against Polaris. However, his stint in this Navy didn't last long, and Gandry let a mutiny, becoming a pirate.[1]
After a brief time as an independent privateer, Gandry joined forces with Boochbeard, and has served as his first officer ever since, dwarfing the overall time he spent in the various navies.[1]
Escaping capture[]
- "The Maestro told the gangs he was lookin' for a pair o' scallywags: a red-faced blowhard, and his little organ-grinder buddy. The Cutthroats wanted to net the score, but the Red Claw Gang beat us to it and snapped up the booty."
- ―Chomper McGill[src]
To prevent a future in which a young, orphaned pirate would destroy the Armada, the time-meddling fiend the Maestro traveled to Skull Island to stir up the bands there, and posted large bounty for the capture of both Boochbeard and Mr. Gandry. The Red Claw Gang eventually managed to capture them, and boarded them on the Coconut Crawler, trapping them down in the hold below to send over to the Maestro.
In the hold, a Wizard appeared and approached Gandry and Boochbeard. Boochbeard noted they didn't look like a Crab, and he asked them if they could release him and Gandry from the hold, but noted the guards would be back at any moment. Boochbeard attempted to introduce himself, but at that very moment the Red Claw guards returned and initiated a fight with the Wizard. After losing the fight, one of the Red Claw thugs said that their loss didn't matter, as the Maestro was already on the ship, and he had brought some "fierce friends" with him, the Armada, to ship not only Boochbeard and Mr. Gandry to the Armada but the Wizard as well.
To escape the Armada, the group went up the ladder to the deck of the Coconut Crawler. Gandry speculated that they could all make an escape in one of the lifeboats, but right then he began to overhear a discussion taking place between the Maestro and the Spymaster of the Armada, Deacon. Maestro informed Deacon that he had the two pirates he was telling him about down in the hold, but Deacon doubted Maestro's visions of the future, and was not certain that they could even cause the Armada any trouble. Maestro replied that if Deacon didn't destroy the two pirates, they would ignite a catastrophic series of events beginning with their rescue of the young pirate orphan, who would go on to defeat the Armada. Deacon agreed that the Armada was better to be safe than sorry for keeping Boochbeard and Mr. Gandry alive, and right after this Deacon took notice of the presence of the two pirates and the Wizard, and ordered his Marines to slay them all, as Maestro and Deacon made their escape.
After defeating the Marines, the two pirates approached a small lifeboat attached to the side of the deck, which Gandry called repulsive, but Boochbeard retorted that it would do. Boochbeard thanked the Wizard for their help in the matter, and suggested to Gandry that they both get as far away from the skies as possible and lay low until the "Armada business" blew over. Gandry reminded Boochbeard of the pirate orphan the Maestro mentioned that could apparently defeat the Armada, and Boochbeard replied that he thought finding them was a good idea. Boochbeard wished the Wizard good luck, and suggested maybe they would cross paths again, and then the pirates were off.[2]
Rescuing the orphaned pirate prisoner[]
- "Is this the prisoner we are looking for?"
"Hard to say. You, there! You're standing on me blind side. Are ye a boy, or a girl?" - ―Mr. Gandry and Boochbeard[src]
Not long after, Gandry and Boochbeard found themselves onboard the Erebus, on their search for the orphaned pirate, who had been put into custody of the Armada and were being held in a brig. They both approached the young pirate, still unsure if they were the prisoner they were looking for, and asked them some personal questions before attempting to get them out of the cell. The bulkhead was bent and so Boochbeard couldn't get the door open, but luckily a blast suddenly blasted open the wall in the back of the cell, and so the Pirate was able to to go through the hole and go back around to Boochbeard and Gandry, freeing another Armada prisoner in the process. The ship was taking heavy fire, with parts of the ship collapsing in flames and blasts tearing open the hull, so the three pirates made an escape and ran to the end of the hallway and up to the deck of the Erebus. On the deck, however, Deacon was waiting for them, and accused Boochbeard of trying to take his prize. He believed that the prisoner must not be allowed to escape, and called down three elite Battle Angels to eliminate the other Armada prisoner and the other two pirates. Once the Battle Angels were defeated, things only got worse as five Dragoons were lifted out from below on a platform. With no other options, Boochbeard shot up a flare, signaling the crew members in his ship to fire their cannons at the dragoons, obliterating them. Deacon was impressed, but said that the Pirate would regret making an enemy of the Armada and fired his spark thrower at explosives in front of Boochbeard, which temporarily blinded him and made him unable to captain his ship. He told the Pirate to take the helm to get everyone to safe harbor.
On Boochbeard's ship, the trio made a speedy escape through a group of five Armada ships, to the harbor at Skull Island. Boochbeard told the Pirate to speak to Captain Avery at his office in Avery's Court, as he was always hiring "good" pirates for various schemes.[3]
Stopping by Polaris[]

Mr. Gandry sitting in the Inn of the Midnight Sun, with Boochbeard's hat resting on the table.
While the Wizard was in Polaris to stop the Rat from destroying the Sky Anchor and ending the Spiral, Boochbeard and Mr. Gandry stopped by Walruskberg and got drinks at the Inn of the Midnight Sun, a popular bar in the area.[4]
Gandry is a Monkey of short stature, a trait of his race. He has light skin with brown fur.
From as early on as his time in the Monquistan Navy, Gandry has been described as a born commander and as being especially gifted as a naval tactitian, however his hot temper sometimes gets in the way of his military skill. As first mate to Boochbeard, some suspect that Gandry is the real "brains" behind the operation, and that he is simply using Boochbeard to hide behind and use as a figurehead to hide his true scheme.
Enemies[] |
- Both Mr. Gandry and Boochbeard's hats can be seen in the stomach of the Empyrean Sky Squid, Sepidious, in Wizard101. It is unclear if this is supposed to hint that the duo had once traveled inside of Sepidious and left their hats behind, or if the hats are simply reused assets to portray the only remains of dead pirates who never escaped.
- Mr. Gandry is voiced by Mike Sears.
Pirate101 (First appearance)
- Rogue's Gallery: Boochbeard and Gandry
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mr Gandry | Pirate101 Free Online Game
- ↑
Wizard101 — "The Android Invasion"
- ↑
Pirate101 — Book I: Introduction — "Tutorial"
- ↑ In the Inn of the Midnight Sun, Mr. Gandry can be seen sitting at the table while Boochbeard's hat sits on top of it, seemingly suggesting that Boochbeard had to leave to use the restroom.