- "So you're the Wizard who defeated the Onis and Warlords? I'm Moo Bu, Queller of the Tide Dragon, He Who Turned Back the Traitor's Armies, etc, etc. *Groan* And Romancer of the Three Kingdoms. I hate that one. Romance just means story. I told some tales and everyone fell in love with me. Happens."
- ―Moo Bu introducing himself to the Wizard[src]
Moo Bu is a legendary Samoorai warrior known in MooShu for his numerous feats, for which he is known by many different titles. Having saved the region several times in the past, he was appointed the leader of the Caravan to Catmandu that was ordered by Emperor Yoshihito to explore the Novus Shard above Catmandu's peaks, known as the Stone of Heaven. He was joined by the Wizard for the weeks-long journey to Catmandu. Together, they halted the Golden Horde's destruction of Catmandu and saved numerous villagers and most notably Acolyte Ang and String Caster Fuzhi. They would eventually climb the Sacred Cliff to the Sacred Monastery and encounter the Golden Horde's leader, Tung-Ak. They followed Tung-Ak to the Stone of Heaven using a Zheng to get there, but inadvertedly discovered Conatus, Novus's central hub, via a Leyline Door. He left the Wizard to their business and returned to the Stone of Heaven, though the two would later reunite and ventured to the Stone of Heaven together with the intention of arresting Tung-Ak. Once they were successful in doing this, Moo Bu parted ways with the Wizard again and went back to Catmandu to help the residents rebuild following the initial invasion by the Golden Horde and Tung-Ak's continued attacks from the Stone. The Wizard would lend a hand in these efforts, dealing with the remnants of the leaderless Golden Horde, gathering materials to help the villagers rebuild their burnt-down homes, and accompanying Moo Bu in investigating a strange cannonball which had created manifestations of historical events.
Legendary adventures[]
Moo Bu's many accomplishments include slaying a being known as Gastok the Immortal, quelling the Tide Dragon, fighting his way out of several Star Gators,[1] punching the Sky Serpent,[2] withstanding a thousand Raging Bulls, swimming the Barbecue Pits of Cool Ranch,[3] felling a Dragon with a feather,[4] fighting a Zheng,[5] "staring down" the Immortals of Aquila on Mount Olympus,[6] and fighting back in some way against a Manticore which had devoured him, causing the Manticore to regret it.[7] He also told tales which led to MooShu falling in love with him, giving him the title of "Romancer of the Three Kingdoms." Another notable event gave him the title of "He Who Turned Back the Traitor's Armies."[1] On several occasions, Moo Bu stopped the Golden Horde from laying claim to the Jade Palace just by snarling at them. He would eventually come to be known as the "Golden Horde Overlord."[8] Moo Bu's adventures became the threatrical universe which spawned at least twenty-three installments.[9]
Caravan to Catmandu[]
- "You coming? Okay. Understand that this will not be a quick trip. The voyage will take several weeks. Prepare yourself, then join the Caravan."
- ―Moo Bu to the Wizard[src]
After the creation of Novus and the appearance of the Shards over the various worlds of the Spiral including the Stone of Heaven over Catmandu, Emperor Yoshihito ordered a Caravan to the Stone to attempt to learn its secrets. He appointed Moo Bu as its leader, since he had saved Catmandu several times in the past. Yoshihito would soon convene with the Wizard, and they would then join up with Moo Bu. The two of them went on a weeks-long voyage to get to Catmandu.
Upon getting to Catmandu, Moo Bu would take note of the fire and destruction of the area caused by the Golden Horde.[1] Moo Bu let the Wizard begin to handle the situation by taking out some of the Golden Horde's Bankhar War Beasts,[8] but right after one of Catmandu's residents, Cora, informed Moo Bu that the Golden Horde had seized a Temple of the Sacred Yarn with Acolyte Ang inside, but not after asking for an autograph and Photomance.[2] Moo Bu and the Wizard entered the temple, and the Wizard fought their way through alone as Moo Bu wanted to see the other "Hero of MooShu" in action. They would soon find the Golden Horde Captain interrogating the Acolyte on how to reach the Stone of Heaven. The Wizard defeated the Captain,[3] and he afterwards recognized Moo Bu. However, he already had what he wanted and left.
Outside the temple, the Acolyte informed Moo Bu and the Wizard of the Captain and Golden Horde's intentions[2] and how all of their destruction was because they meant to find String Caster Fuzhi and her Sacred Yarn. To begin setting things right, Ang told Moo Bu and the Wizard to extinguish the fires from the houses in Catmandu and save the villagers inside.[10] Afterwards, the Acolyte decided that these villagers must be armed to protect themselves from any further aggression, with the Wizard fighting the Golden Horde soldiers and taking their weapons so that Ang could guide them to the Monastery.[9] Ang then gave them his copy of the Sacred Key so that they could access the Sacred Elevator and ascend the Sacred Cliff to the Monastery. Moo Bu told the Wizard that he thought it'd be best if they handled the leader of the Golden Horde themself. In the Monastery, Moo Bu and the Wizard encountered the Golden Horde's leader, Tung-Ak. The Wizard fought Tung-Ak's Colonel and saved the String Caster, who said that the purpose of the Stone of Heaven was to destroy them all.[4]
Moo Bu stayed outside while the Wizard and Fuzhi went inside the Cave of Terrors to find a Zheng.[5][11] The three of them then rode the Zheng to the Stone of Heaven, with the intent of finding Tung-Ak and bringing him back to Catmandu. However, they were quickly distracted when a door appeared into the Stone. Moo Bu went in, followed by the Wizard and then Fuzhi, albeit begrudgingly. Moo Bu noted the place's similarity to the Stone of Heaven, however suspected he was no longer in Catmandu. The Wizard would soon come into contact with settler Erasmus J. Maxwell Snifflesworth IV of Marleybone's Spiral Geographic Society.[5] Before he and the Wizard parted ways, Moo Bu warned them to be careful dealing with the delegates of the various Spiral Powers and to not let them use them, as he believed they were egotists first and leaders a distant second. He then went back to the Stone of Heaven.[12]
The Stone of Heaven[]
- "Everything's on fire now. Great. That's even more different than I was expecting. What has that crazy horse done to this place? And how did he do it so fast?"
- ―Moo Bu[src]
Later, after the arrest of General Benedict Brutus von Booth, the Wizard reunited with Moo Bu in Conatus, and together they headed to the Stone of Heaven with the intent of arresting Tung-Ak.[13] Upon arrival, Moo Bu noted the stark different in the Stone's appearance, with it becoming engulfed in flames since he was last there. He then noted there were cannons firing at Catmandu through breaches in space, prompting him to find a way to the second level of the Stone to destroy them, while the Wizard fended off the Follicle Falcons in the meantime. The Wizard heard Dasein's voice again and investigated further, stumbling across Moo Bu, who had found a way up through a passage.[14] Moo Bu recognized that he may be old and past his prime, but that his anger would propel him to fight at the Wizard's side the whole time through the passage.[15] The first thing the two encountered were Tantrums, which Moo Bu referred to as "explosion monsters." The Tantrums made a noise like the Cavities, which only the Wizard could hear. Moo Bu offered for the two of them to silence the Tantrums if the Wizard did not like the sound they were making. After the battle, Moo Bu noted he was not as rusty as he thought he'd be, and he and the Wizard continued through the passage to the next level, fighting more Tantrums. The last level contained Aberrant forms of Tung-Ak, which Moo Bu referred to as warm-up for the real one. The Wizard once again heard Dasein's voice from the Tung-Ak shades. Moo Bu was puzzled why they stared but saw the way out up ahead, tellin them to leave the shade and go.[16] They exited the passage and Moo Bu dropped a rope to the previous ledge in case they needed to return.[15] The cannons were beyond another swarm of Follicle Falcons which the Wizard fended off while Moo Bu destroyed the cannons. The two approached the next passage,[17] which lead to the final level and Tung-Ak's Stronghold.[18] Inside the passage they encountered a literal Golden Horde in the form of clones of Tung-Ak made of gold. The Golden Tung, manifesting Tung-Ak himself, explained that he wished to become the Golden Horde and his wish was granted. Moo Bu and the Wizard defeated the Golden Tungs, but they exclaimed their defeat did nothing more than "peel a flake of skin" from the "infinite" Tung-Ak. In response, Moo Bu said he had all day, and invited the Golden Tung to see how many flakes he could peel. Later, a Golden Tung bragged of the Stone of Heaven blessing his cause, and expressed that he would supplant the Emperor and then bathe the entire Spiral in gold. The last level of the passage contained the Golden Ancestor, an ancestor which the Golden Tung claimed had risen from his grave to lend voice to his cause. The Ancestor and Golden Tung were defeated, but the Tung claimed Moo Bu and the Wizard hadn't won, and that they would enter the Palace of the Steppes and gaze upon the real Tung-Ak, the Lord-Eternal, in all his glory, advising them to not go blind at the sight of him. Moo Bu noted he had stared down the Aquilans on their mountain so he could manage a "shiny horse" though the Golden Tung countered this by saying he had been crushed by mere iron and not gold.[19] Exiting the passage, Moo Bu dropped another rope so they could get down if necessary.[18]
Moo Bu and the Wizard entered Tung-Ak's Stronghold, coming face-to-face with the General himself. Tung-Ak greeted the two of them as sacrifices, and invited them to gaze upon the resplendence, effulgence, and glorious shininess of "Tung-Ak the Infinite". Moo Bu dismissed this talk as ego, but Tung-Ak claimed it was not ego but will, the same will which spoke to the Stone of Heaven, bending it and becoming his "instrument of conquest" which turned him into a being he believed transcended all magicks. Nevertheless, Tung-Ak was defeated, with him claiming the Stone of Heaven had cursed him and willed his defeat. He asked his victors if they would finish him off, and while Moo Bu said this was tempting, but he thought instead he should become a trophy for the Emperor, emphasizing the shame in it. Tung-Ak warned of the "Servants of the Manticore" being a darker presence in Novus, and that they were waiting and watching, and would devour them. In response Moo Bu said he had been devoured by a Manticore, and that the Manticore regretted it. Moo Bu told the Wizard he would secure Tung-Ak for transport to Catmandu, where they could arrange a new caravan back to the Jade Palace.[7] The Wizard would soon speak to Dasein in the Nucleus Gallery, and when Moo Bu returned from Catmandu he saw them staring blankly at the Stone of Heaven's Frame of Mind, unaware of why the sky had changed and the breach in space was pointing towards Conatus. The Wizard explained the Frames of Mind and that they needed to find more of them, though Moo Bu expressed he could not help, though he wanted to, suggesting the people of Conatus could instead. Catmandu was in rough shape following the Golden Horde's invasion and Tung-Ak's further attacks from the Stone of Heaven, so Moo Bu opted to go back and help them rebuild, stating that he and the Wizard's strings disentagled at that moment, unless they wanted to lend a hand. Otherwise, he thanked them for showing him there were still adventures to be had.[20]
Cleaning up Catmandu[]
To be added
- Moo Bu was introduced with the Novus expansion for Wizard101, first released for Members on Test Realm on November 7, 2022. The full update was released to live servers on November 30, 2022.
- During the Dev Roundtable hosted by Genevieve MoonGarden with former KingsIsle community members who were later hired by the studio on February 21, 2023, it was revealed that Mike Sears is the voice of Moo Bu for the first time.
- Moo Bu is a reference to Lü Bu.
Notes and references[]