For the world, see Marleybone.

Marleybone City, also referred to as just Marleybone,[1] is the capital and largest city of the world of Marleybone. While Marleybone City is home to the Queen in Barkingham Palace, the city itself is governed by the Mayor, the last known individual to hold this title being Mayor Pimsbury.

Other than Barkingham Palace, Marleybone City's most treasured landmark is the clocktower Big Ben. The city contains several recreational areas and neighborhoods, including Chelsea Court, Knight's Court, Hyde Park, and Kensington Park, with Regent's Square serving as the city's commons area. The city's police force is headquartered in Scotland Yard, with the infamous Newgate Prison not far away. The city's industrial district is the Ironworks.


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Behind the scenes[]

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Notes and references[]

  1. In Wizard101, Marleybone City is exclusively referred to as simply "Marleybone," the name "Marleybone City" wasn't introduced until the release of Marleybone in Pirate101 in 2013.