- "Don't even know what it is? Why, it's a world! Made of other worlds! Worlds I discovered! Before... I knew why I was sent for them."
- ―Stallion Quartermane[src]
Lemuria is a world in the Spiral made up of pieces of other Spiral worlds that were "discovered" by Stallion Quartermane and harvested by his patron, the Old One, who used the World Synthesizer to combine the pieces into a new First World as part of his "Project Lemuria." It is primarily inhabited by the Lemurs, who worship the Old One and maintained Lemuria in his absence. The parts of the Spiral that would later become Lemuria initially vanished centuries ago, "blinked from existence" from beneath the notice of Bartleby. In the years that followed, Lemuria was described as a fable, simply an invention of the Spiral's historians to explain why there were primates in both Zafaria and Monquista. Some travelers attempted to find Lemuria as they did El Dorado, but neither locations could be found.
When the Nothing emerged from the Cavity after merging with the Old One, he had pangs to find Lemuria. His unsuccessful attempt via the Wizard to gain knowledge from the White Tree, Sybil led to the both of them traveling to Mirage to find proof of Lemuria's existence. Proof was discovered in the form of a mosaic that had been taken from the wall inside of a cave in the Alkali Barrows by the Serpent Social Club, who intended to sell it. In the Thieves' Den, the Wizard and the Nothing intervened and got the mosaic back from the Serpent Social Club, who freely gave it back as a show of respect for their defeat. The Wizard and the Nothing would continue to search for clues of Lemuria, leading them to the Royal Museum in Marleybone City and then the museum's Storage Warehouse, where two more Lemuria mosaics were found. One of the mosaics had been discovered by Stallion Quartermane, which caused the Nothing to remember Project Lemuria as well as a secret lab within Madness Mountain in Polaris. Finding the lab with the help of Zoot, the Wizard and the Nothing unthawed the frozen Stallion Quartermane himself, and they set off with Quartermane to find his map of Lemuria, which was located in the old Stallion Quartermane Memorial Tower. Heading to the Arcanum, Quartermane and the Nothing believed that Lemuria could be found behind the Warded Door to the Forbidden Wing, the domain of the Old One where he had created it.
Creation and conflict[]
- "I have been made a fool! By my patron, no less! A mysterious be-tentacled man who never gave me his name. Which, in hindsight, should have been a red flag. He and his "Lemur" creatures, they used me as their scout, their herald. And in my wake, lands vanished, stolen by this world-rending squid. I led him not to treasures, but to victims. They must be avenged! I will find the World Render and his Lemuria and restore what has been stolen!"
- ―Stallion Quartermane in his journal[src]
Before the Great Schism, the Old One had an office in the Arkanum. Eventually, Spiral explorer and SGS founder Stallion Quartermane took up the Old One's patronage, and the Old One and his Lemurs used Quartermane as their scout, discovering worlds that the Old One would secretly combine together within the Forbidden Wing of the Arcanum to create Lemuria. The Old One also had a secret lab located within Madness Mountain in Polaris.[1]
Quartermane eventually found out the truth of his relationship with the Old One, and believed he had been made a fool. Instead of finding treasure, he had led the Old One to victims, and for this he was intent on finding the Old One and Lemuria and restoring the worlds that had been lost. He led an expedition to Madness Mountain, where he expected to find the Old One. Little did Quartermane know that the Old One had plans for him, and he was frozen in a block of ice and held in the Old One's lab.[1]
Forgotten antiquities[]
In Mirage, a mural depicting Lemurs worshipping the Old One was etched into the side of the wall inside of a cave in the Alkali Barrows. Many years later, it would be removed from said wall by the rising Serpent Social Club, who took it to a backroom at the Thieves' Den in the Caterwaul Canyons where it was just one of several priceless antiques they attempted to sell.[2]
Two more murals were taken from other locations and eventually found their way into a Storage Warehouse belonging to the Royal Museum in Marleybone City.[1]
Finding Lemuria[]
Pangs of Lemuria[]
- "My Scion, I know what you seek. But there is no world called Lemuria. Looking through the years, I do see an island, a land of Lemurs, but- It's gone! Blinked from existence beneath my notice. How? It's impossible, Wizard, but this Lemuria vanished centuries ago. We're both too late."
- ―Bartleby[src]
After escaping the Cavity, the Nothing (taking the form of the Old One) began to experience pangs that propelled them to want to find Lemuria. These pangs led to them contacting the Wizard to come to the Arcanum, where he would tell them to try to speak with the resident Tree of Knowledge, Sybil. However, as Sybil does not speak unless she has information she deems necessary to share, the Wizard was unable to talk to her. The Nothing remembered something in Mirage, so he and the Wizard's journey continued there, where they would ultimately find the mural depicting Lemuria in possession of the Serpent Social Club and take it back from them. Just as the Nothing began to remember who they were, the Everything rejected his manifestation. With the Old One fading, he expressed a wish for someone to be able to see Lemuria, leading to the Wizard heading back to Ravenwood to speak with Bartleby. Looking through time with his Eye of History, Bartleby saw a land of Lemurs, but it was blinked from existence beneath his notice centuries ago.[2]
Learning the truth[]
Not long after, Bartleby had new revelations about Lemuria. In the wake of the Lemurs' disappearance, he saw a trail of discordant notes that distorted the rhythm of existence and warped reality in order to obscure the theft of whole pieces of the Spiral. This information had been discovered by the Nothing, whom Bartleby could not see, therefore making them not of the Spiral or even of worlds beyond. Bartleby informed the Wizard that the Old One was actually no more; he had absorbed into the Nothing. Only the Wizard could follow Nothing to Lemuria, and Bartleby urged that it must be found and the song that brought it together silenced. The Nothing understood the Old One's final wish; to save Lemuria, which he said was dying. The Nothing revealed that their thoughts and the Old One's were merged, and that they could see into his mind and his memories. To get more clues of Lemuria like the one found in Mirage, the Nothing accompanied the Wizard to the Royal Museum in Marleybone City. Entering the museum's Storage Warehouse nearby, they managed to find two more Lemuria mosaics, one of which was marked as discovered by early Spiral explorer Stallion Quartermane. The murals depicted the Old One grabbing at the pieces of the Spiral that Bartleby described, stealing and combining them to create Lemuria.
The Nothing was able to access the Old One's memories, which told of a "Project Lemuria" that Quartermane and Old One had been working on together, as well as a secret lab in the mountains of Polaris. The Wizard and the Nothing went to Taylor Coleridge's Tiki Bar in Penguinonia and came into contact with Zoot, who directed them to find Quartermane's lost expedition in Madness Mountain. They fought through Crazy Eyes and even found the journal of Stallion Quartermane himself, which detailed his frustration with the Old One and his quest to restore the stolen worlds. Inside the secret lab, the Wizard found a control panel that played a message from the Old One, where it was revealed that the Old One had a need for Lemuria to have people like Stallion Quartermane, so he froze him in a block of ice. The Wizard released Quartermane from the ice, and together they would go back to the Royal Museum to find Quartermane's map to Lemuria. They would then find themselves in the Stallion Quartermane Memorial Tower, and fought through the Rogue Engineer's Iron Golems to find the map.
Stallion Quartermane and the Wizard went to the Arcanum, and there outside the Forbidden Wing in front of the Warded Door, Quartermane and the Nothing explained that that behind the gate was the domain of the Old One, his office before the Great Schism of the old Arcanum and where he fragmented worlds to build Lemuria. It is behind the Warded Door that Quartermane believes Lemuria will be found.[1]
Finding the World Synthesizer[]
To be added
- In the real world, Lemuria was a continent proposed in 1864 to explain the existence of Lemur fossils in both Madagascar and India, but not in Africa or the Middle East. It was ultimately disproven in the 1960s when the scientific community accepted the theory of continental drift, which explains the similarity of living organisms in different parts of the world as being due to all land of the ancient Earth having been combined into one supercontinent known as Pangaea.
- Lemuria was a name possibility for the Undersea area in the now-defunct KingsIsle mobile game EverClicker.
- On April 5, 2021, Test Realm for the Spring Update in Wizard101 went live with a new mainline quest featuring the Old One. That same day, datamining community The Atmoplex presented evidence in the game files and announced that the next world coming to Wizard101 would most likely be Lemuria, which was explored in the quest.
- Wizard101 (First appearance)
- The Modern Adventures of Stallion Quartermane #7 (Indirect mention only)
- April 2024 Ravenwood Bulletin on Wizard101.com (April 12, 2024) (backup link)
Notes and references[]
External links[]
Worlds of the Spiral |
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