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"We slipped, and this Nothing - hardly nothing - this... Dasein, is it? He paid the price."
"Thus we shall atone, maintain this alliance. For Lemuria! For the Spiral at large! We shall become the League of Exemplary Personages."
The Shadoe and Duck Savage[src]

The League of Exemplary Personages is an alliance forged by the Heroes of Lemuria to atone for the mistakes they made in trying to keep the Wizard from destroying the World Synthesizer, leading to Dasein's heroic sacrifice to save the Spiral.[1]

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Notes and references[]

  1. Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "To Err is Hero"
League of Exemplary Personages
The BantamSolomon CraneBuck GordonMandarStallion QuartermaneDuck SavageThe ShadoeDog Tracy