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"The First World is a fantasy. It's always been a fantasy, a convenient quick fix for all the Spiral's problems. It's a boring goal for unimaginative maniacs, a focusing lens for the alienated and antisocial, and nothing more. This dream... it's just an excuse to waste your life, to not fix what's really wrong."
―Judge Veg speaking to a memory of his past self in the Dreaming[src]

Judge Veg is a former Judge of Wallaru who practiced agricultural law, later becoming a member of the Cabal and notably being present at the Grand Summit in Karamelle hosted by the Old One. After the Old One was swallowed by Dasein's Cavity, Veg was one the Cabalists who accused the Wizard of being responsible for the Old One's fall, ultimately entering a Cavity himself. The experience in Dasein's realm gave him much to think about, and he retired to his homeworld of Wallaru, leaving the Cabal and its ideals behind him and instead aligning himself with the Drovers. He would later reunite with the Wizard and help with their mission to enter the Dreaming and use its waters to inspire a sense of self and purpose within Dasein, following the conflicts in Novus. During this mission, Veg would learn that his former Cabalist ally Freddie Kroaker, with whom had gone on a Walkabout after coming back to Wallaru and attempted to enter the Dreaming with before being turned back at the Great Barrier, had gained access to the Dreaming his own way and was using it to sow chaos in Wallaru. He felt he was personally responsible to help the Wizard thwart Freddie's plans to destroy the Great Barrier and flood the Spiral in the Dreaming as a means to restore the First World, ultimately being succesful in these efforts.[1]

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