For the character used as Joel White's alias, see Decius Duelmaster.

Joel White (born March 14),[1] also known by his aliases "jetsers" and "Decius," is an American video game designer who is currently the Head of Product Management at KingsIsle Entertainment for Wizard101 and Pirate101, a role he began in February 2023. He has worked at KingsIsle since 2010, and initially held the position of Senior Game Designer II. He started off working on the Pirate101 team, doing game design documentation and UI implementation as well as systems design and implementation.[2] He also contributed design work for the Khrysalis expansion to Wizard101.[3] In February 2015, he was put on the Research and Development team, a group of three people who created nine different working prototype games for mobile platforms as well as Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard, and Samsung Gear VR. White was responsible for all of the design content and UI work. Despite this, he also contributed design for the Polaris expansion in Wizard101 as he had previously done with Khrysalis. In May 2016, White joined the MMO Live Team and was a Senior Systems Designer for Wizard101 and Pirate101. He was responsible for creating all Crown Shop items, loot tables, pets, and mounts. In August 2021, he was promoted to Product Manager, before transferring to his current role in February 2023. Before his time at KingsIsle, White worked at Sony Computer Entertainment, Sony Online Entertainment, NCSoft, and BioWare.[2] His credits include notable titles like PaRappa the Rapper 2, Kinetica, EverQuest Online Adventures, EverQuest: The Legacy of Ykesha, Lords of EverQuest, EverQuest II, and Star Wars: The Old Republic.



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Notes and references[]

Joel White

Joel White interviewed in 2018 for the "Wizard101 10th Anniversary" series.

External links[]
