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Irks are a type of creature native to the world of Novus. Considered pests, they were present in several of the world's Shards, including Puerto Nuovo, New Vicorgia, La Ville Rose, the Stone of Heaven, and Conatus.[1]


New Vicorgian irks look like two-legged red/yellow balls with spikes on them and sharp teeth. The yellow ones are Fetching Irks.

A subspecies called Tantrums look like two-legged dark grey balls with explosions coming out of them. They also have sharp teeth and can be found on Conatus or the Stone of Heaven.

The Vexxor, another subspecies has the same appearance as the New Vicorgian irks, but orange. They inhabit Puerto Nuovo.

Brain Freezes are another subspecies of irks which look like two-legged white ball with spikes and sharp teeth that have a icy color. They have been seen on La Ville Rose.

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