
"General Tso plans on seizing the Imperial City, ousting our sleeping Emperor, and ruling all of MooShu for himself!"
―Doctor Noh[src]

The Imperial City[1] is the capitol island of the Empire of MooShu, home to Emperor Yoshihito in the Jade Palace.

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To be added

Points of interest[]

Behind the scenes[]

  • The Imperial City is the part of MooShu in Wizard101 that is explored by players. While the story and dialogue only refer to the location as "MooShu", it was later revealed in Pirate101 in the quest "Turnabout" that the island from Wizard101 that is home to the Emperor Yoshihito is in fact named the Imperial City.
    • It is still a mystery where in the skyways of MooShu the Imperial City is located, however it is likely close to the locations seen in Pirate101.



Notes and references[]

  1. Pirate101 logo Pirate101 — Book XI: Chapter 26 — "Turnabout"