Dog ProfessorF A NPC
"Timelines, so weird."
This article is about a subject which exists strictly in an alternate reality or timeline, or features a significant amount of content that only applies to the alternate timeline(s) and not the main timeline of the Spiral Games Universe.
See this article and other articles with alternate reality content in the category.

Gatorvania is the sister planet to Krokotopia. It was said to have been thrown out of the Spiral but came back again. The Ice Cybermander,[1] one of the Cybermanders from the parallel timeline where the Great Sleep never occurred and the Immortal Tut Empire ruled Krokotopia,[2] was from Gatorvania.[1]


  • Gatorvania was first mentioned in Wizard101 as the "sister planet" of Krokotopia in the Monstrology Tome description for the "Tier 3" version of Ice Cybermander, which reads: "Actually from Krokotopia's sister planet: Gatorvania, which was thrown out of the Spiral, but came back again." The Ice Cybermander is a mob that appears in all tiers of the the Doomsday Krok Gauntlet,[1] released on May 11, 2020,[3] during a bonus fight with the Balance, Fire, and Myth Cybermanders if two or more Wizards are present in the Duel Circle.[1]
    • It is unclear if Gatorvania is actually just a Spiral world in the typical sense, as it is oddly referred to as a planet.



Notes and references[]

Worlds of the Spiral
AquilaAvalonAztecaCelestiaCool RanchDarkmoorDragonspyreEl DoradoEmpyreaGatorvaniaGrizzleheimKaramelleKhrysalisKrokotopiaLemuriaMarleyboneMirageMonquistaMooShuNovusPolarisRajahSkull IslandValenciaWallaruWizard CityWysteriaYagoZafaria