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"Hellooo! My name is Gamma the Owl, and I am quite pleased to meet yooou!"
―Gamma to the Wizard[src]

Gamma is the pet owl of Merle Ambrose.


Early life and meeting Merle Ambrose[]

Gamma grew up in Avalon, and eventually he would become the pet of the wizard, Merle Ambrose.

Betrayal of Sir Malory[]

To be added

Leaving Avalon[]

In the penultimate act of the war between King Artorius and Sir Malory and the Froudlings, Artorius and Malory fought on a hilltop amidst the flames. Artorius killed Malory, but not before the false king mortally wounded him in return. Ambrose entrusted Artorius' Sword of Kings to Squire Perry Gilliam of the Order of the Silver Rose, and Gamma alongside Ambrose left Avalon to explore the Spiral.[1]

Helping Marco Pollo[]

When Marco Pollo was creating his Map to El Dorado, Gamma assisted him with mathematics relating to his star charts. Pollo later thanked Gamma for his work in a letter to Ambrose that he sent while on his expedition in El Dorado.[2]

Finding the Wizard[]

To be added







Notes and references[]

  1. Wizard101
  2. Letter to Merle Ambrose
  3. June 2019 Ravenwood Bulletin

External links[]
