- "All we are is a collection of dreams. If they die... well... we get washed away with them."
- ―Freddie Kroaker[src]
Robert Fredrick Murleybohn, better known as Freddie Kroaker or the Arcane Toad, is a member of the Cabal who traveled with Judge Veg when the latter went back to his homeworld of Wallaru following his experiences inside a Cavity. The two did the Walkabout together with the intent of entering the Dreaming but only made it to the Great Barrier in the Eucalyptus Forest before being turned away by the Drovers. Kroaker managed to find his own way into the Dreaming, using his newfound power and influence to corrupt the minds of Wallaruans. He intended to use their anger and prejudices to recreate and bring to life a Juggernaut Crab, which he would then use to destroy the Great Barrier, drown the Spiral in the Dreaming, and restore the First World. His plans were thwarted when the Wizard and their allies entered the Dreaming themselves and fought and defeated Freddie as the Juggernaut Crab was being imbued with power. A while after Kroaker's defeat, his creation known as Malus still lived within the Nightmare, fostering hatred and prejudices in the minds of Wallaruans once more and threatening to not only ruin negotations but spark a civil war. The Wizard, being the only one capable of resisting Malus's influence, traveled into the Nightmare and ultimately defeated him, bringing Wallaru back to a peaceful state.[1]
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- Freddie Kroaker is voiced by Alexander Brandon. This was first publicly announced via The Stars of Wallaru, a "Special" published by Voices of the Spiral in collaboration with KingsIsle Entertainment on January 12, 2024.[2]
- Freddie Kroaker is inspired by the iconic horror character Freddy Krueger, the main antagonist in the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. Freddy Krueger was created by Wes Craven, who wrote and directed the first film. Kroaker's real first name being Robert is probably a nod to Robert Englund, who plays Freddy Krueger in most of the Nightmare films.
April 2024 Ravenwood Bulletin on Wizard101.com (April 12, 2024) (backup link)