For the world's capital, see Dragonspyre (city).

"Ah, so you wish to explore the scenic world of Dragonspyre. It's a beautiful place, don't you think?"
Milos Bookwyrm to the Wizard[src]

Dragonspyre, officially the Kingdom of Dragonspyre and abbreviated as "DSPRE," is a volcanic world in the Spiral, once home to the famous school of magic Dragonspyre Academy. It was also known for its powerful and influential kings, as well as Knowledge Crystals, a source of knowledge for historians across the Spiral.

After thousands of years of civilization and a former empire spanning several Spiral worlds, an attack by the Dragon Titan and his army wiped out most of the world's population, leaving it a smoldering and empty husk.

Years later, Dragonspyre was occupied by the renegade necromancer Malistaire Drake, who used it as a base of operations for himself and his forces. Malistaire attempted to re-awaken the Dragon Titan, so that he may command it to help him destroy the Spiral as revenge for the death of his wife, Sylvia Drake. His plan was foiled, and a battle between the Wizard and Malistaire Drake resulted in the death of Drake, ending his threat.



The world that would later be known as Dragonspyre was formed thousands of years ago, as were many of the worlds of the Spiral following the destruction of the First World during the Titan War.

Sometime later, as civilization developed, the Kingdom of Dragonspyre was founded. In its early years, Man and Drake were dire enemies, and the people of Dragonspyre lived their lives in constant fear of an attack by these fire-breathing, flying beasts of the sky.[1]

The Age of Dragons[]

The Kingdom of Dragonspyre began to gain power during the Age of Dragons, when King Mene tamed the first Drake. Mene joined forced with Gavarena, Queen of the Drakes, and together Men and Drakes overcame the Dragons. The Drakes soon spread across the Spiral, providing protection for realms both big and small.[1]

The Century War[]

Pointright Main article: Century War

When King Jungen died without an heir to the throne, the long and violent Century War broke out. One hundred years after it began, Kylgor the Magnificent ended the Century War when he claimed the throne and forced a lasting peace on the land. Other accounts say he also ended the war by slaying a black dragon, though the truth has been lost to time.

Following the Century War, the wizards and witches of Dragonspyre turned to the creation of Knowledge Crystals. At first, the knowledge that was stored in these crystals were exclusively reserved for royalty, though it didn't stay that way.

Rydall's Plague[]

"Troops, ours is a dark age. Dragonspyre suffers from Rydall's plague, its streets filled with mobs of the unwashed. Our way of life is ending. But we here will not accept that fate. We will not cower before the tyranny of change. We will see Dragonspyre, true Dragonspyre, preserved."
―General Greyflame to her troops[src]

Sometime later, Rydall the Conqueror inadvertently released a magical plague, known as Rydall's Plague, onto his duchy. The plague caused great death and nearly ended Dragonspyrian civilization as a whole. Luckily, Duke Sebastian fought with the Lords of Dragonspyre to find a cure, and the plague was eventually eliminated. His bravery then prompted the creation of Dragonspyre Academy.

War Against the Treeminders[]

To be added

Rule of Aldared[]

As Dragonspyre Academy grew, so did its political power. One of the academy's students, Aldared, used his knowledge and power to unseat the incumbent king and overthrow his government. Aldared ruled with tyranny, and was despised by the people of Dragonspyre. Growing tired of his rule, the people rose up and removed Aldared in a revolution, and a council was then created to divide power between witches, wizards, and the king.

The Dragon Titan's cataclysm[]

Years later, the Dean of Admissions at Dragonspyre Academy, Vladimir Darkflame, grew angry with his colleagues. Using a summoning ritual, Darkflame summoned the Dragon Titan and Titan Army, who attacked Dragonspyre and wiped out much of the world's population. The rest of the people that had survived the terrible event evacuated. The Titan Army closed the gates at the entrances to the world, stranding those inside and restricting anyone from entering.

Re-awakening the Dragon Titan[]

Following the untimely death of his wife Sylvia, Ravenwood professor Malistaire Drake was brought to madness, obsessed with finding a way to bring her back from the dead, and get revenge on those he thought didn't do enough to save her. He used Dragonspyre as his base of operations, and attempted to awaken the Dragon Titan to do his bidding. His awakening spell was interrupted by the Wizard, who then fought and killed him, bringing an end to his tyranny.




Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "The Secret History"

External links[]

Worlds of the Spiral
AquilaAvalonAztecaCelestiaCool RanchDarkmoorDragonspyreEl DoradoEmpyreaGatorvaniaGrizzleheimKaramelleKhrysalisKrokotopiaLemuriaMarleyboneMirageMonquistaMooShuNovusPolarisRajahSkull IslandValenciaWallaruWizard CityWysteriaYagoZafaria