Storm symbol

Divination, also known as Storm, Storm Magic or the Storm Arts, is the Elemental School of Magic that focuses on creativity, insight, and the "spark" of inspiration that leads to invention.

Wizards that practice Divination, known as Diviners, are driven by the thrill of discovery and investigation, the joy of invention and ingenuity, and the power of creation and building. The drawback however is the tendency to get lost in the maze of thoughts and being "paralyzed", not being able to make a decision. Diviners uses Verses to charm, enthrall, or hypnotize creatures of Storm to help them.


To be added

Behind the scenes[]


The Wizard101 website incorrectly states that Storm Magic has roots in the power of the Storm Lords, something that was later changed in the actual lore but as of January 2021 remains on the website. It's assumed that the Storm Lords were initially the race of Titan that represented Storm, before they were later replaced with the Tritons. In earlier lore, the Giants, Dragons, and Tritons were the three races of "Titans" that were responsible for the destruction of the First World and the birth of the Spiral, but it has since been revealed through a retcon that the Titans were not whole races but individuals, the Titans of Ice, Fire, and Storm, and that the Giants, Dragons, and Tritons were the descendants of these three Titans, continuing their war after they were put into an eternal sleep by Bartleby.


Notes and references[]

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