
"Pffh. This was my father's manor - a monument to his greed and grandiosity. But he was a fearful man. Never took any risks."
Elizabeth Pawtrey[src]

The Darkmoor Manor was the family residence of the Pawtrey family, located somewhere in Darkmoor. It belonged to the Pawtreys for a dozen generations. It would eventually come into the ownership of Lord Purnitius Pawtrey. In the event of his death, Pawtrey promised his brother Andrew that he would inherit the Manor. At some point, Pawtrey squandered his family's fortune and so he was forced to auction off the Manor in order to pay his debts. Once he died, Pawtrey's Final Will and Testament left his wife Lady Delores seeds, his daughter Elizabeth pet snacks, and his son Francis clothing.[1]


  • The Darkmoor Manor is a castle in Wizard101 that can only be attained through the Witch Hunter's Bundle, which was released in 2016.



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