- "The street is ablaze, Wizard. And not in the way it's always ablaze. It's been completely consumed by anger and hostility and... violence!"
- ―Private Quinn[src]
During the attack on Wizard City by Malistaire and his Undead Army, a curse was placed on the Fire Elves by Bastilla Gravewynd, a former actor turned Banshee and underling of Malistaire who was killed in an accident by one of her costars. She used her Banshee's Wail during a rehearsal at the Fireglobe Theatre, driving the Fire Elves insane and making them violent.
The Wizard went to Firecat Alley and with the help of Lizzo FireSpitter and Shelus Gruffheart found the former Ravenwood Alchemy Professor Gretta Darkkettle, who assisted in uncovering the origin of the curse on the Fire Elves. Together, Gretta and the Wizard synthesized a Curative Intonation Potion using a scream recorded on a Herkimer Stone after Bastilla Gravewynd's defeat in battle. The potion was given to Alicane Swiftarrow, the most influential Fire Elf on the street, and was administered to the rest of the Fire Elves after the potion's effects entwined with his voice.
After the death of his wife Sylvia, Malistaire Drake went on a rampage, seeking revenge for the death of Sylvia while also trying to find a way to bring her back from the dead. Summoning the Undead and forming an Undead Army, Malistaire attacked Wizard City.
Bastilla Gravewynd, prima donna of the Fireglobe Theatre decades prior to the attack, had a bitter relationship with the Fire Elves, especially her fellow actors. During a performance of Magic Fire Music, one of Bastilla's costars accidentally summoned actual Fire Magic, killing her. Bastilla had a thriving theater career in the Underworld, but decided to return for vengeance.[1]
During the Fire Elves' rehearsals at the Fireglobe Theatre, Bastilla Gravewynd used her Banshee's Wail, a curse that worked liked an auditory virus and infected the masses, driving them insane.[1]
Lizzo FireSpitter, a third-year student at Ravenwood School of Magical Arts, was coaching the Fire Elves on singing. As they were rehearsing the song "Recollection" from Firecats!: the Musical at the Fireglobe Theatre, Private Quinn was in attendance when one of the Elves suddenly shot an arrow at him, followed by several more. Even lawn decorations on Firecat Alley were rising up in animosity and becoming "stabby." Lizzo FireSpitter was also attacked, with the Fire Elves stealing her Spellbook. Although Quinn wanted to help Lizzo, he felt he had to secure his position at the front of the street.[2]
Before long, a gaggle of Fire Elves broke down the gate to the Dark Cave, freeing the Undead to roam the street.[3]
The Wizard soon arrived and by Private Quinn's request went to check up on Lizzo.[3] They retrieved Lizzo's Spellbook from the Fire Elves.[2] Lizzo knew rumors of a witch who was fired from Ravenwood who she believed was living in hiding on Firecat Alley, and believed her advanced magical prowess could be used to help the Fire Elves, so she sent the Wizard to Shelus Gruffheart to learn more. Shelus refused to tell the Wizard anything he knew about the witch until they got his Strongbox back, containing his entire month's earnings. Once this was done, Shelus told them the way to the witch's house. The witch, Gretta Darkkettle, initially rejected the calls for her to help the situation, but came around to it when learning the City Guard was pinned down. To figure out what they were dealing with, Gretta gave the Wizard a vial so they could collect Magma from the Magmamen roaming the street for her to analyze. She found that the root cause for the Fire Elves' condition was a Banshee's Wail curse that had the melodic signatures of Bastilla Gravewynd.[4] To reverse the curse, Gretta needed to record Bastilla's voice onto a Herkimer Stone, which the Wizard retrieved from the Rotting Fodder in the Dark Cave. Bastilla was in her old tower and was easily defeated by the Wizard, who recorded her scream on the Herkimer Stone.[1]
To alchemically transmute the Wail into an actual cure, the Wizard got Grett's alchemy setup from Gloria Krendell in Olde Town; one large beaker, one crucible, five aludels, and a small athanor. Using the Alchemy Table back at Gretta's house, the Wizard placed the Herkimer Stone on the crucible and created the potion.[5] The Curative Intonation Potion, working similarly to the initial curse, needed to be administered to an influential Fire Elf, namely Alicane Swiftarrow, the most famous Fire Elf actor. The Wizard, with their wand imbued with the Curative Potion by Gretta, defeated Alicane Swiftarrow at the Fireglobe Theatre. Alicane was cured, and accepted his role of "hero" to cure his people, as the potion's effects had entwined with his voice.[6] Gretta sent the Wizard to report to Private Quinn, but told them to omit her name. The Wizard assured Quinn that Lizzo was safe and that a cure was being administered, and Quinn suggested the Wizard speak to Sergeant Muldoon.[7]
- "You helped quell an Undead insurrection and cured a Fire Elf curse? Impressive. We're not out of the woods yet, but we're making headway."
- ―Sergeant Muldoon to the Wizard[src]
With the Fire Elf insurrection quelled and the Banshee's curse cured, the Wizard City Guard progressed in their defense of the Three Streets.[7]
Behind the scenes[]
Original events[]
To be added