
"What's that? You say the Headmaster sent you to help us? Well then, you're just the person - er, Wizard - I've been waiting for!"
―Connelly to the Wizard[src]

Connelly is a Private of the Wizard City Guard that was stationed on Unicorn Way in Wizard City. When the Undead invaded the street, Connelly was one of the Guards who fought to push back the creatures of Death. Connelly and the Wizard City Guard were assisted by the Wizard, sent by Headmaster Merle Ambrose, and with their help the tide was turned on the attack. While the Wizard and Ceren Nightchant discovered that Rattlebones was behind everything, Connelly and the Guard continued to fight back until the dark magic abated and Unicorn Way was saved.


Incursion of Unicorn Way[]

"This used to be a pleasant street, but we've been invaded by hordes of strange creatures!"

As Malistaire Drake began his attack on Wizard City, an incursion on Unicorn Way was set in motion, shortly after the arrival of the Wizard and the showdown in Golem Tower. Connelly and other members of the Wizard City Guard attempted to push back the creatures, but they were no use for their dark magic.

Not long after the incursion began, Headmaster Merle Ambrose sent his new student to deal with the situation, which he saw as a learning opportunity after witnessing their potential firsthand. Ambrose instructed the Wizard with seeking out Private Connelly once teleported to Unicorn Way, and once they were there, Connelly stopped the new student from going any further and asked them if there was anything he could help them with. Relieved to hear that Ambrose had sent them to help the Guard,[1] Connelly tasked the Wizard with fighting a few of the Lost Souls and then reporting back to him. After doing so, Connelly exclaimed that their efforts had turned the tide, but expressed worry of not being able to drive away the phantoms for good without knowing why they were attacking to begin with. Connelly told the Wizard to speak with Ceren Nightchant, another student who had also come to help with the situation, as he believed he may have learned something useful.[2]

Finding O'Ryan[]

"I sent Private O'Ryan down the street a while ago, and he's not back yet. With all these Lost Souls about, I fear the worst. O'Ryan's a good friend of mine. Could you go see if he's all right? He may be hiding in one of the houses - see if you can find him."

During the incursion, Connelly sent Private O'Ryan down Unicorn Way but later began to fear the worst with all the Lost Souls about. Connelly tasked the Wizard with heading down the street to check one of the houses to see if O'Ryan was inside safely. The Wizard found O'Ryan terrified hiding inside of a house after having witnessed Lady Blackhope, which he had high-tailed himself indoors of. He couldn't leave the house until Blackhope was dealt with, and so the Wizard went to Blackhope Tower and vanquished her. O'Ryan returned to his post with the Wizard, and Connelly suspected that what had happened was that O'Ryan got scared, which is precisely what happened despite O'Ryan trying to explain it away. Connelly assured that "All's well that ends well," and thanked the Wizard for finding him.[3]

Checking on Dorothy Gale[]

Dorothy Gale new

Dorothy Gale stayed in her house on Unicorn Way, waiting for her friends who were running late.

"Say, can you check up on someone for me? I usually see Dorothy out shopping by now, but I fear she's too afraid to leave home. She's just down the road a bit and she usually keeps her lights on. She doesn't like all the Lost Souls roaming around. Can't say that I blame her."
―Private Connelly to the Wizard[src]

Later on, Connelly asked the Wizard if they could check on Dorothy Gale as he feared she was too afraid to leave her home down the road because of the Lost Souls. Gale was fine, but wished something could be done about all the ghosts outside, and noted she wished Auntie Em would join her so she would feel better.[4] She was going to have her friends Tin Man and Mr. Toto come over for dinner, but they were running late and Gale feared for their sake with all the ghosts roaming around. The Wizard checked on them and it turned out that the two friends had just run late and that they were fine, and the Wizard then reported back to Connelly with the news of what had happened and a "hello" from Dorothy.[5]



Personality and traits[]

To be added

Behind the scenes[]

FTUE changes[]

With the FTUE updates that came to Wizard101 with the July 2019 "Sizzling Summer Update", the main story questline and side quests in Unicorn Way were revamped. With this, Connelly's role in the main and side storylines was changed.

Unicorn Way questline[]

"Be careful going farther down Unicorn Way. The street is dangerous. I've seen Wizards like you go down that way and never come back. Beware!"
―Private Connelly to the Wizard[src]

The original beginning to Unicorn Way started with the player heading into the street after giving a wax seal-stamped letter to Private Stillson outside, who tells you to show the letter to Connelly inside the gates. Connelly regards you as brave for bringing the Headmaster's letter to him, and warns you of going further down the street due to the dangers, saying that he's seen Wizards go down there and never return. He calls your arrival a blessing, as the Wizard City Guard need help fending off the ghosts in Unicorn Way, and their numbers are limited. So, Connelly says the Guard would be honored if you would use your magic to chase Lost Souls away. Once you defeat some, Connelly says that your intervention has turned the tide and that the Guard will follow your lead. He tells you to speak to Ceren Nightchant, to see if he can use any help.[6]

Saving Private O'Ryan[]

Private Connelly

Private Connelly's original appearance from 2008 to 2018. As well as an updated model, Connelly has also since

In the original "Saving Private O'Ryan," players pick up the quest from Connelly, who tells them to go check on his fellow Guardsmen and childhood friend Private O'Ryan, who went to go see his house again to make sure no Skeletal Pirates had gotten inside. Connelly believes that O'Ryan could be trapped in his old house, but can't leave his post. He entrusts the player with going and checking in on him, and bringing him back to safety.

Arriving at the house, O'Ryan greets the player as a "sight for sore eyes," and informs them that he had cleared Skeletal Pirates from the house but was stuck inside as there were too many outside. O'Ryan tasks the player with fighting some of the Skeletal Pirates so that he can make a run for it, and after doing so O'Ryan thanks them for their deed and checking on him, and tells them to tell Private Connelly he's doing well. The quest ends with Connelly saying "Glad to hear O'Ryan is doing well!"[7]

In the new and revamped quest, the element of Connelly and O'Ryan being good friends is retained, but instead of the building O'Ryan goes to being his childhood home, it is just one of the houses on the street. And instead of O'Ryan going to this building (that was originally his home) for his own sake, he was sent there by Private Connelly. The quest begins the same, with Connelly sending the player to see O'Ryan in the house, but rather than him being stuck inside the house due to Skeletal Pirates, he is hiding in fear of the "Wailing Widow," Lady Blackhope after seeing her while doing his rounds. He says he can't leave the house if Blackhope is still out there, and so he tasks the player with heading to the nearby Blackhope Tower to possibly find something that could drive her spirit away.

Inside the tower, Blackhope is of course waiting, and tells of how the "Dead rise," due to Malistaire opening the Seals. She challenges the player to a fight to see if they have "enough spirit" to stop her. She is defeated, and tells the player to go back tell the Guardsmen that she will haunt them no longer. Heading back to O'Ryan, he thanks the player and tells them that he will now return to his post but asks them as a favor to please not tell Connelly that he was hiding afraid of Blackhope. To end the quest, the player heads back to Connelly with O'Ryan accompanying them. Connelly presumes that the reason for O'Ryan's disappearance was that "some monster scared him," and O'Ryan starts to try to explain himself but is cut off by Connelly, who says "Well, it's not the first time. And I wager it won't be the last. All's well that ends well. Thanks for finding him Wizard."[3]


Notes and references[]

  1. Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "Unicorn Way"
  2. Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "Ghost Hunters"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "Saving Private O'Ryan"
  4. Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "Yellow Brick Road"
  5. Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "Not In Kansas Anymore"
  6. Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "Unicorn's Folly" (Retired)
  7. Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "Saving Private O'Ryan" (Retired)

See also[]

External links[]
