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"I've already sent our prisoners to the Maestro with me boys on the Coconut Crawler. Ye'll never catch 'em in time!"
Buster Crab[src]

The Coconut Crawler was a ship of the Red Claw Gang.


When the Maestro went through time and posted a bounty for the capture of Boochbeard and Mr. Gandry in order to attempt to create a timeline in which they did not rescue the Pirate from the Erebus and the pirate did not go on to destroy the Armada, the Red Claw Gang got to capturing the both of them before the other pirate bands, and Buster Crab eventually authorized the transfer of the prisoners to the Coconut Crawler. The Wizard, with the help of the time-travelling Professor, used the B.O.X. to go back in time, and the Wizard would eventually make their way to the ship and freed the two pirates from the ship's hold. On the deck, the Wizard, Boochbeard and Gandry came across Maestro and Deacon, the Armada's Spymaster, and after a fight with some of Deacon's Marines, the two pirates said their goodbyes and were off. The Maestro's plan was foiled, and the original timeline was restored.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. Wizard101 logo Wizard101 — "The Android Invasion"