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Buffaloon, sometimes pluralized as Buffaloons,[1][2] are a non-sentient species of bovine found primarily in the skyways of Cool Ranch. Bearing some resemblance to the sentient Bison of Cool Ranch, Buffaloon are winged, spherical bovids that fly in herds. If threatened, Buffaloon will attack by headbutting or bodyslamming their target.

Most Buffaloon have light or dark brown fur and small to medium-sized horns on their heads, though some subspecies and those kept as pets may have a wider range of possible appearances. The Striped Bumbaloon is a strong and rare subspecies only found in Big Sky. Individual Striped Bumbaloon are often observed amongst herds of typical Buffaloon in the skyway.[3] Striped Bumbaloon are named for their stripey dark and yellow fur, their insect-like wings, and the venomous stingers on their rear ends. They also have larger horns and tend to be more aggressive than other Buffaloon.

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Relations with other species[]

Buffaloon have a range of practical uses and are often kept by cattle wranglers as livestock.[4][5]

Culinary uses[]

The Bison of the Big Sky Hunters rely on the Buffaloon as a source of food, hunting them and smoking their meat to make Buffaloon jerky.[6]


Tamed Buffaloon are utilized for transport and may be used as a mount or harnessed to a wagon, such as in the case of the stages of Cool Ranch.

Other uses[]

Buffaloon hides are sought after for their use in making chaps and other equipment.[7][8] Their pelts are also used by the Big Sky Hunters to build lodges.[2]

The meat of the Striped Bumbaloon subspecies is used as an offering to call forth the Totem Spirit Brother Wolf by laying out the meat on the stones of Scorpion Rock.[3]


  • "Buffaloon" is a portmanteau of "buffalo" — an informal name for American bison — and "balloon".



Notes and references[]

  1. Pirate101 logo Pirate101 — Book 5: Chapter 10 — "Running Wild"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Pirate101 logo Pirate101 — Book 7: Chapter 13 — "The Great Hunt"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Pirate101 logo Pirate101 — Book 7: Chapter 13 — "Hungry Like the Wolf"
  4. Pirate101 logo Pirate101 — Book 5: Chapter 10 — "Lonely Dove"
  5. Pirate101 logo Pirate101 — Book 9: Chapter 19 — "Buffaloon Round Up"
  6. Pirate101 logo Pirate101 — Companion Promotion Quests: Making Preservations
  7. Pirate101 logo Pirate101 — Book 5: Chapter 9 — "If I Were a Rich Rooster"
  8. Pirate101 logo Pirate101 — Book 9: Chapter 19 — "Spiffy Chaps"

External links[]
