
MegaZeph MegaZeph 24 December 2024

All of the Music References in Prospector Zeke's Quests - Extra Credits December 2024

Hey again! For the December 2024 Extra Credits objective, KingsIsle tasked us content creators with collaborating to create a piece of content that celebrates the holidays by giving a gift to the community. Well, what better gift than the gift of knowledge?

For this article, I am joined by The Spiral Project to craft a definitive guide of ALL of the music references found in the Prospector Zeke quests throughout both Wizard101 and Pirate101.

If you were not aware, all of the items that Zeke has you collect for his quests are actually based on real-world musical groups! We're not sure who decided this or when, but it's always fun to see what group is referenced with every new (major) expansion.

Stay tuned as we tell you the true meaning behind ea…

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MegaZeph MegaZeph 27 January 2024

Why You Should Check Out The Guild Museum - Extra Credits January 2024

Hey fellas, it's time for another article! For January 2024's Extra Credits objective, KingsIsle tasked us with creating something that describes our favorite in-game activity and encourages other to participate in it for the New Year. For this effort, I chose the new Guild Museum system which was added to the game alongside the Wallaru expansion on November 27th, 2023! So stick around as I present to you a guide describing what the Guild Museum system is, and how it works!

  • 1 What's the Guild Museum?
  • 2 How does it work?
  • 3 Why should I do it?

I'm glad you asked! The Guild Museum is a structure that is located on the Museum Island, the newest addition to the Guild Housing domain. If you didn't already know, the Guild Housing is the shared housing sp…

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MegaZeph MegaZeph 30 October 2023

All of the Questions and Answers From Wiki101’s “Wizard101 Arc 4 Recap Q&A” With Sam Johnson

On Wednesday, October 18th, we (Wiki101) hosted KingsIsle's Narrative Director Sam Johnson in our Discord server for a two-hour “Wizard101 Arc 4 Recap Q&A” event in which community members were given the opportunity to ask up to two questions each about anything they wanted relative to Wizard101’s Arc 4 ongoing-but-soon-to-be-concluded storyline: Karamelle, Lemuria, Novus, and the forthcoming finale Wallaru. The Q&A gave way to a LOT of great questions and equally great answers from Sam, so we thought we would share all of them with you here! We also wanted to archive everything in another format that way this Q&A isn't somehow lost to time. If you would like to see the original messages, they are currently in our Discord (link here) in the…

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MegaZeph MegaZeph 28 October 2023

Why I Love Playing Pirate101 - Extra Credits October 2023

Hey everyone! I'm back for October 2023's Extra Credits objective to tell you all why I love playing Pirate101 while the game's 11th anniversary month is still onging! Now, I will admit right off the bat that my history with Pirate101 is not nearly as long as my history with Wizard101. While I do remember the hype when it was first announced, playing the game around the time of its launch, and logging on from time to time, I didn't actually play the game regularly and get to max level until around 2018/2019. Though when I did finally get into the game fully, it was a blast! I fell in love with it, and had no idea what I was missing. My core reasons for loving Pirate101 in this article are the same as my previous article for Wizard101, but that proba…

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MegaZeph MegaZeph 29 September 2023

Why I Love Playing Wizard101 - Extra Credits September 2023

For September 2023's Extra Credits objective, KingsIsle tasked content creators like myself with making something that explains why we love playing Wizard101 in tandem with the game's 15th Anniversary celebration, which is currently ongoing! Given that I've been playing the game since April 2009 (when I was just 8 years old!), you can imagine that there's quite a bit that I love about it. So in this article, I'm going to break down all the personal major reasons for why I love Wizard101!

Given that I lead an entire wiki community dedicated to the story/lore of both 101 games, it shouldn't be too much of a surprise that this is the first and foremost reason for why I enjoy Wizard101. Ever since I first encountered Malistaire and his Draconians in…

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MegaZeph MegaZeph 28 August 2023

Wizard101: The Narrative Content of The Crying Sky Raid - Extra Credits August 2023

As part of the "Crying Sky Raid Update" released on Wizard101 live servers on July 26th, 2023, a new Raid titled The Crying Sky has been introduced to the Spiral, taking Wizards back into the world of Azteca, and bringing with it a generous portion of new lore for fans to pore over! For this month's Extra Credits objective, I thought I would take it upon myself to better familiarize you with the story of the Raid and all the other fun lore-related stuff it has added!

Before I get into the article, I thought I should let you know that in order to actually play The Crying Sky, you must be max level (160), complete a prequest, be in a Guild, and have at least 12 Wizards (including yourself) online and available to raid. You must also then craft a R…

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MegaZeph MegaZeph 14 July 2023

Reyes Skyway Cruises Announces Grand Monquistan Cruisetour - Pirate101 Extra Credits July 2023 Submission

This fictional press release is presented from an in-universe perspective and was written by Chris DeathRider for the July 2023 objective of KingsIsle's Extra Credits content creator program, specifically representing Pirate101. Retro (psychicaves) illustrated the signature seen at the very bottom of the press release. The following is purely "fanfiction" and should not be considered canon as it has not been authorized as such by KingsIsle Entertainment. Thank you for reading!

¡Vámonos! See you in the skies!

Benito Suarez
Director Ejecutivo, Reyes Skyway Cruises®

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