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Wreck of the HMS Victory

The wrecks of the HMS Victory and the Executioner in the Trafalgar Vortex.

"You've fought brilliantly, Admiral, but your cause is lost. Surrender or die!"
"As I've always said, a glorious death is to be envied! Surrender? To the likes of you? Never!"
―Admiral Nelson of the Royal Navy to the Armada General, Rooke.[src]

The Battle of Trafalgar was a battle that took place in the Trafalgar Vortex in Marleybone's Westminster Skyway on the collided flotsam of the Royal Navy ship the HMS Victory and the Armada ship Executioner, during the war between Marleybone and Valencia.

The battle began when Admiral Nelson of the Royal Navy foiled Rooke's surprise attack and managed to destroy all of the Armada's fleet but Rooke's flagship, the Executioner, and lured the ship into the Trafalgar Vortex. In a move to cripple the Armada, Nelson then deliberately rammed the Victory into the side of the Executioner. The Pirate and their crew were ordered by Admiral Doggett to sail to Trafalgar and "reinforce or avenge" Nelson.

In the vortex, the Captain and their crew took a long boat to from their ship to the flotsam and fought valiantly against the forces of the Armada. Nelson and some of his men were trapped behind debris, and so the Pirate's crew smashed it and freed them, allowing Nelson to progress forward and board the Executioner to face off with Rooke. Using a cannon, the Pirate's crew fired a hole into the side of the Executioner and used it to go up to the deck. During the decisive final battle between Admiral Nelson and his allies and Rooke's forces, Nelson was able to pull through with the help of the Pirate and their crew and defeated Rooke, seizing a narrow and brief victory. This was followed shortly after by another skirmish against Rooke and his remaining units, finishing Rooke temporarily but solidifying Nelson's victory over the Armada.

As the Victory had been decimated in the crash, Nelson and his men boarded the Pirate's ship and made their way back to the Isle of Dogs. As they made their escape, the Victory was detonated in a huge explosion that was made possible after Nelson's men emptied all of the powder kegs into the ship's magazine, causing a blast which obliterated both the Victory and Executioner. The victory of the battle turned the tide of the war, and earned the Pirate rank of Captain Irregular of the Royal Navy.


"I do believe the tide is turning. You've blunted the assault on the Isle of Fetch, and Nelson has foiled Rooke's surprise attack!"
"Nelson caught the Armada fleet completely by surprise, and blasted them to kindling! All but the Armada flagship, that is..."
―Admirals Doggett and Kearns to the Pirate[src]

After the intervention of the Pirate and their crew helped turn the tide on the Isle of Fetch, Admiral Nelson of Her Majesty's Navy was able to foil Rooke's surprise attack by taking the Armada by surprise instead, destroying all of the Armada's fleet except for their flagship, the Executioner. Nelson directly attacked the ship, luring it into the Trafalgar Vortex in the Westminster Skyway. Inside the vortex, a fight ensued between Nelson's fleet and the Executioner, with the Armada's flagship decimating all of the Royal Navy's fleet but the Victory.

During the fight, Admiral Nelson decided to use the Victory as a weapon, ramming it into the Executioner in a move to cripple the Armada. Shortly prior to this, Admiral Doggett ordered the Pirate to sail to the Vortex and assist Nelson in the fight, in the hopes that they would win.

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