- "Hollow men, run on gears and wires. Heartless, soulless, and ruthless."
- ―Captain Avery to the Pirate[src]
The Armada was a military and political organization based in Valencia and commanded by its Supreme Commander, Kane. Made up entirely of Valencian Clockworks, the Armada used their military power to try to establish rule over the rest of the Spiral, under the command of the Valencian aristocracy.
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The Clockworks were created by Valencian inventor Gazpaccio as a supplement to Valencia's navy during the Napoleguinic Wars, and the new Armada helped to end the war and bring peace to the Spiral. However, with the continued production of the Clockworks, the Armada soon became out of control, and essentially began to operate by itself. Not long after the war, Kane devised his Grand Design, in which he would use the the Machine to grind the worlds of the Spiral to dust, and from the remains build a new First World in his image.
The Armada under Kane's rule began excavations in Skull Island to try to find the location of the infamous El Dorado, so that his Grand Design could be realized. The Armada would ultimately be brought to ruin by the Pirate after Kane's defeat, with the remaining Clockworks going "haywire" without any chain of command.
Pirate101 (First appearance)
- Rogue's Gallery: Bishop
- Rogue's Gallery: Rooke
- Rogue's Gallery: Phule
Pirate101: Plunder Hunt