Aquila is a world in the Spiral. It is governed by the Second Aquilan Empire, and is home to the Immortal Games.
Golden Age of Aquila[]
More than a thousand years before the Immortal Games were attended by the Wizard, Aquila lived in a Golden Age, and its citizens walked alongside the Immortals. Hephaestus wrought the Windstones, and Aquila became the first world in the Spiral's history to sail the skyways.
The Eagles were the first race to bring language, writing, and philosophy to Aquila's people, and those aspects spread across The Spiral and influenced other world's societal development.
Fall of the First Empire[]
Minos, king of the First Aquilan Empire, angered the gods and made them abandon Aquila's people, and return to Mount Olympus. Outraged by the king's behavior, the provinces of Aquila fell as their people overthrew their rulers, and Aquila fell into an age of chaos. Other worlds shunned Aquila and transport to the world became rare, and stayed that way for over a millennia.
Rise of the Second Empire[]
Aquilus, the Golden Eagle, reunited Aquila and forged the Second Aquilan Empire. Along with Aquila's new government, Aquilus founded the city of Nova Aquila, and the gods finally began to help Aquila's people once again.
Main article: Achaea
Achaea is an island in Aquila. It is made up of Themiscyra, Stygia, Stymphalos, Caledonia, and the Satyr Grove.
Main article: Anthemusa
Anthemusa is a port island.
Main article: Atlantea
Atlantea is the land of the sea, home to Poseidon.
Main article: Delphos
Delphos is a port island.
Main article: Illios
Illios is a large island.
Main article: Ithaca
Ithaca is an area in Aquila.
Main article: Illios
Knossos is an island in Aquila.
Main article: Laestrygon
Laestrygon is an island in Aquila.
Nova Aquila[]
Main article: Nova Aquila
Nova Aquila is a large city in Aquila.
Main article: Talos
Talos is an island in Aquila.
Main article: Tartarus
Tartarus is the "Underworld" of Aquila, home to Hades.
Main article: Unoculum
Unoculum is a location in Aquila.
Behind the scenes[]

Aquila in Pirate101
- Aquila is named after the Latin word for "eagle", Aquila.
- Rogue's Gallery: The Frogfather (Mentioned only)
Pirate101 (First appearance)
- Rogue's Gallery: Morgan LaFitte (Symbol)
- Rogue's Gallery: Mordekai
- Rogue's Gallery: Gracie Conrad
- Ravenwood Roll Call: Cyrus Drake
- Rogue's Gallery: Samocles
- Rogue's Gallery: Hawkules
- Rogue's Gallery: Zeena
- Rogue's Gallery: Nausica
- The Modern Adventures of Stallion Quartermane #4
Notes and references[]
See also[]
External links[]
Worlds of the Spiral |
Aquila • Avalon • Azteca • Celestia • Cool Ranch • Darkmoor • Dragonspyre • El Dorado • Empyrea • Gatorvania • Grizzleheim • Karamelle • Khrysalis • Krokotopia • Lemuria • Marleybone • Mirage • Monquista • MooShu • Novus • Polaris • Rajah • Skull Island • Valencia • Wallaru • Wizard City • Wysteria • Yago • Zafaria |