Megabat mount concept art for Wizard101 (released November 1, 2019)
Scare Bear pet concept art for Wizard101 (released November 1, 2019)
Evil Carrier Wagon mount concept art for Wizard101 (released November 1, 2019)
Flying Dutchman mount concept for the Pirate Nightmare Pack for Wizard101 (released November 1, 2019)
Fly foreman and worker concepts for Wizard101's Wizard City Underground expansion (released November 12, 2019)
Trash Monster concept for Wizard101's Wizard City Underground expansion (released November 14, 2019)
King Detritus concept for Wizard101's Wizard City Underground expansion (released November 18, 2019)
Satharilith concept for Wizard101's Wizard City Underground expansion (released November 20, 2019)
The Devourer concept for Wizard101's Wizard City Underground expansion (1/2) (released November 22, 2019)
The Devourer concept for Wizard101's Wizard City Underground expansion (2/2) (released November 22, 2019)
Vine Monster concept for Wizard101's Wizard City Underground expansion (released November 23, 2019)
Druid Ghost Warden concept for
Wizard101's Wizard City Underground expansion (1/2) (released November 27, 2019)
Druid Ghost Warden concept for Wizard101's Wizard City Underground expansion (2/2) (released November 27, 2019)
Renegade Druid concept for
Wizard101's Wizard City Underground expansion (released November 27, 2019)
Treeminder concepts for Wizard101's Wizard City Underground expansion (released November 27, 2019)
Dragonspyre Vanguard model sheet for Wizard101's Wizard City Underground expansion (released December 3, 2019)
Dragonspyre Crusader model sheet for Wizard101's Wizard City Underground expansion (released December 5, 2019)
Female Dragonspyre Crusader model sheet for Wizard101's Wizard City Underground expansion (released December 9, 2019)
Squire Greggor model sheet for Wizard101's Wizard City Underground expansion (released December 11, 2019)
Prince Greggor model sheet for Wizard101's Wizard City Underground expansion (released December 11, 2019)
Hunter's Gear concept for Wizard101 (released December 16, 2019)
Sproutling pet concept for the Druid's Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released January 7, 2020)
Concepts for alternate Sproutling pet colors for the Druid's Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released January 7, 2020)
Attack Badger mount concept for the Druid's Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released January 10, 2020)
Battle Badger mount concept for the Druid's Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released January 10, 2020)
Combat Badger mount concept for the Druid's Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released January 10, 2020)
Sickle and shield concept for the Druid's Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released January 14, 2020)
Druid player gear concept for the Druid's Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released January 17, 2020)
Pumpkin Carriage mount concept for the Fantastic Fairytale Bundle in Wizard101 (released January 22, 2020)
House concept for the Fantastic Fairytale Bundle in Wizard101 (released January 27, 2020)
House concept for the Fantastic Fairytale Bundle in Wizard101 (released January 27, 2020)
House concept for the Fantastic Fairytale Bundle in Wizard101 (released January 27, 2020)
House concept for the Fantastic Fairytale Bundle in Wizard101 (released January 27, 2020)
Poison Apple wand concept for the Fantastic Fairytale Bundle in Wizard101 (released January 30, 2020)
Female and male Monarch gear concepts for the Fantastic Fairytale Bundle in Wizard101 (released January 30, 2020)
Concept for the Everafter Village for the Fantastic Fairytale Bundle in Wizard101 (released February 3, 2020)
Process of making the concept for the Everafter Village for the Fantastic Fairytale Bundle in Wizard101 (released February 3, 2020)
Scrappy Gryphon pet concept for the Sinbad and the Iron Sultan gauntlet in Wizard101 (released February 20, 2020)
Roc mount concept for the Sinbad and the Iron Sultan gauntlet in Wizard101 (released February 28, 2020)
Sinbad and the Iron Sultan gauntlet gear concept for Wizard101 (released March 3, 2020)
Environment concept for the Briny Deep Retreat for the Undersea Enchantment Bundle in Wizard101 (released March 10, 2020)
Concept model for the Briny Deep Retreat for the Undersea Enchantment Bundle in Wizard101 (released March 10, 2020)
Warthog mount concept for the Zafaria Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released March 12, 2020)
Concept of the hedgehog included in the Warthog mount for the Zafaria Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released March 12, 2020)
Concept of the Sea Courser pet for the Undersea Enchantment Bundle for Wizard101 (released March 16, 2020)
Briny Deep gear concept for the Undersea Enchantment Bundle for Wizard101 (released March 19, 2020)
Armaments of the Briny Deep wand concept for the Undersea Enchantment Bundle for Wizard101 (released March 19, 2020)
Panda mount concept for the Pandamonium Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released March 31, 2020)
Panda Cubs pet concept for the Pandamonium Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released April 3, 2020)
Concept for the Pandamonium Gear for the Pandamonium Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released April 7, 2020)
Fenris pet concept for the Grizzleheim Lore Pack in Wizard101 (released April 13, 2020)
Warrior Mage gear concepts for Beastmoon in Wizard101 (released April 16, 2020)
Hands of Fate gear concepts for Deckathalon in Wizard101 (released April 27, 2020)
Concepts of Khrysalis fish for Wizard101 (released May 6, 2020)
Nimbari Justicar concept for Wizard101's Empyrea Part 2 expansion (released May 8, 2020)
Krokosphinx mount concept for the Doomsday Krok gauntlet in Wizard101 (released May 12, 2020)
Scarab pet concept for the Doomsday Krok gauntlet in Wizard101 (released May 19, 2020)
Scarab pet alternate color concepts for the Doomsday Krok gauntlet in Wizard101 (released May 19, 2020)
Doomsday Krok gear concept for the Doomsday Krok gauntlet in Wizard101 (released May 22, 2020)
Concept of the Celestian Mech mount for Wizard101 (released June 8, 2020)
Setesh concept for the Doomsday Krok gauntlet in
Wizard101 (released June 10, 2020)
Alternate Setesh concept for the Doomsday Krok gauntlet in Wizard101 (released June 10, 2020)
Krokocutioner concept for the Doomsday Krok gauntlet in Wizard101 (released June 10, 2020)
Concept of
the Professor for the Doomsday Krok gauntlet in
Wizard101 (released June 17, 2020)
Javelin wand concept for the Doomsday Krok gauntlet in Wizard101 (released June 22, 2020)
Time Butterfly concept for the Doomsday Krok gauntlet in Wizard101 (released June 22, 2020)
Tanuki pet concept for the Heavenly Palace Bundle in Wizard101 (released June 25, 2020)
Majestic Crane mount concept for the Heavenly Palace Bundle in Wizard101 (released June 29, 2020)
Sky Sorcerer gear concept for the Heavenly Palace Bundle in Wizard101 (released July 2, 2020)
Concept of the exterior of the Heavenly Palace for the Heavenly Palace Bundle in Wizard101 (released July 6, 2020)
Concept of the complex of the Heavenly Palace for the Heavenly Palace Bundle in Wizard101 (released July 6, 2020)
Breakdown of the interior of the Heavenly Palace for the Heavenly Palace Bundle in Wizard101 (released July 8, 2020)
Ceiling designs for the interior of the Heavenly Palace for the Heavenly Palace Bundle in Wizard101 (released July 8, 2020)
Interior details for the Heavenly Palace for the Heavenly Palace Bundle in Wizard101 (released July 8, 2020)
Mood painting for the Heavenly Palace for the Heavenly Palace Bundle in Wizard101 (released July 8, 2020)
Flying Saucer mount concept for Wizard101 (released July 13, 2020)
Kit-10 pet concept for Wizard101 (released July 17, 2020)
Nimbari Exemplar concept for Wizard101's Empyrea Part 2 expansion (released July 20, 2020)
Zorphie pet concept for the Celestian Spellemental Pack in Wizard101 (released July 23, 2020)
Celestian warrior gear concept for the Celestian Spellemental Pack in Wizard101 (released July 28, 2020)
Celestian warrior gear color variant concepts for the Celestian Spellemental Pack in Wizard101 (released July 28, 2020)
Celestian wand concept for the Celestian Spellemental Pack in Wizard101 (released July 30, 2020)
Punk Flamingo mount concept for Wizard101 (released August 3, 2020)
Hamster Suit gear concept for Wizard101 (released August 5, 2020)
Admiral Dynt concept for
Wizard101's Empyrea Part 2 expansion (released August 10, 2020)
Aethyr Titan concept for
Wizard101's Empyrea Part 2 expansion (released August 12, 2020)
Aero Village mood painting for the Aero Plains Bundle in Wizard101 (released August 14, 2020)
Aero Village house concept for the Aero Village for the Aero Plains Bundle in Wizard101 (released August 14, 2020)
Aero Village house interior concepts for the Aero Village for the Aero Plains Bundle in Wizard101 (released August 14, 2020)
Aero Dwarf furniture concepts for Wizard101 (released August 14, 2020)
Nimbari tower concept for Wizard101's Empyrea Part 2 expansion (released August 17, 2020)
Nimbari tower front gate concept for Wizard101's Empyrea Part 2 expansion (released August 17, 2020)
Nimbari hanger entrance concept for Wizard101's Empyrea Part 2 expansion (released August 17, 2020)
Paradox gear concept for Wizard101's Empyrea Part 2 expansion (released August 20, 2020)
Paradox wand concept for Wizard101's Empyrea Part 2 expansion (released August 20, 2020)
Apple Brudel concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released August 28, 2020)
Jellymancer concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released September 3, 2020)
Nimbus courtyard concept for Wizard101's Empyrea Part 2 expansion (released September 10, 2020)
Nimbus citadel lobby concept for Wizard101's Empyrea Part 2 expansion (released September 10, 2020)
Nimbus elevator room concept for Wizard101's Empyrea Part 2 expansion (released September 10, 2020)
Nimbus control room concept for Wizard101's Empyrea Part 2 expansion (released September 10, 2020)
Wooly Rhino mount concept for Wizard101 (released September 16, 2020)
Bronto mount concept for the Primeval Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released September 22, 2020)
Frillasaur pet concept for the Primeval Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released September 29, 2020)
Fossil Avenger's gear concept for the Primeval Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released October 2, 2020)
Fossil Skullcrusher wand concept for the Primeval Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released October 6, 2020)
Fossil Skullcrusher wand concept for the Primeval Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released October 6, 2020)
Ghost Hunter gear concept for the Pirate Nightmare Pack in Wizard101 (released October 27, 2020)
Ghost Hunter gear color variant concepts for the Pirate Nightmare Pack in Wizard101 (released October 27, 2020)
Ghost Hunter Geistbox wand concept for the Pirate Nightmare Pack in Wizard101 (released October 29, 2020)
Sweet Ride! mount concept for the Candied Isles Bundle in Wizard101 (released November 13, 2020)
Sweetish Chef gear concept for the Candied Isles Bundle in Wizard101 (released November 19, 2020)
Whisk of Doom wand concept for the Candied Isles Bundle in Wizard101 (released November 19, 2020)
Marshfellow pet concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released November 23, 2020)
Chocolate Moose mount concept for Wizard101 (released November 25, 2020)
Candied Ram mount concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released December 1, 2020)
Maulwurf von Trap concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released December 3, 2020)
Character concepts for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released December 9, 2020)
Charity Candied Ram mount concept for Wizard101 (released December 11, 2020)
Gummy Bear concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released December 15, 2020)
Alternate color Gummy Bear concepts for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released December 15, 2020)
Prrresent pet concept for the Yuletide Mornings Pack in Wizard101 (released December 17, 2020)
Jammies gear concepts for the Yuletide Mornings Pack in Wizard101 (released December 21, 2020)
Wrapping paper wand concepts for the Yuletide Mornings Pack in Wizard101 (released December 21, 2020)
Tricycle mount concept for the Yuletide Mornings Pack in Wizard101 (released December 23, 2020)
Tricycle color variant concepts for the Yuletide Mornings Pack in Wizard101 (released December 23, 2020)
Yuletide Snowped mount concept for Wizard101 (released December 25, 2020)
Tatzelwurm spell concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released January 4, 2021)
Sound of Musicology spell concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released January 14, 2021)
Old One concept for
Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released January 19, 2021)
"Nothing Divine" concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released January 19, 2021)
Snack Attack spell concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released January 19, 2021)
Gerhart concept for
Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released January 19, 2021)
Green Apple Brudel concepts for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released January 22, 2021)
Red Apple Brudel concepts for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released January 22, 2021)
Hologram Project concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released January 25, 2021)
Nanavator concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released January 25, 2021)
House designs for the Candied Isles Village for Wizard101 (1/4) (released January 28, 2021)
House designs for the Candied Isles Village for Wizard101 (2/4) (released January 28, 2021)
House designs for the Candied Isles Village for Wizard101 (3/4) (released January 28, 2021)
House designs for the Candied Isles Village for Wizard101 (4/4) (released January 28, 2021)
Frame concepts for the Gustaf & Gallantry play for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released February 1, 2021)
Environment concept for the Candied Isles Village for Wizard101 (released February 4, 2021)
Town layout concept for the Candied Isles Village for Wizard101 (released February 4, 2021)
Luge concept for the Candied Isles Village for Wizard101 (released February 4, 2021)
Rock tunnel concept for the Candied Isles Village for Wizard101 (released February 4, 2021)
S'more Machine catapult spell for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released February 8, 2021)
Gobblerton Castle concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released February 10, 2021)
Gobblerton Library concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released February 10, 2021)
Gobblerton Factory concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released February 10, 2021)
Gobblerton Food Claw concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released February 10, 2021)
Gumdrop Forest concept for
Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released February 12, 2021)
Auspicious Ox pet concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released February 19, 2021)
Floral Raiment gear concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released March 2, 2021)
Weird Sister model sheet for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released March 4, 2021)
Astronomer gear concept for the Astrologer's Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released March 9, 2021)
Astronomer gear color variant concepts for the Astrologer's Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released March 9, 2021)
Rat pet concept for the Astrologer's Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released March 11, 2021)
Rat backpack concepts for the Astrologer's Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released March 11, 2021)
Rocket mount concepts for the Astrologer's Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released March 16, 2021)
Orrery Staff wand concept for the Astrologer's Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released March 18, 2021)
Orrery Staff color variant concepts for the Astrologer's Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released March 18, 2021)
Nautilus Unleashed spell cannon concept for the Celestian Spellemental Pack for Wizard101 (released March 24, 2021)
Nautilus Unleashed spell cannon sketches for the Celestian Spellemental Pack for Wizard101 (released March 24, 2021)
Nimbari Exemplar early concepts for Wizard101's Empyrea Part 2 expansion (released March 30, 2021)
Couch Potato concept for Wizard101 (released April 1, 2021)
Judge Veg concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released April 8, 2021)
Judge Veg model sheet for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released April 8, 2021)
Veggilante gear concept for Wizard101 (released April 16, 2021)
Veggie Missile wand concept for Wizard101 (released April 16, 2021)
Pup Prodigy pet concept for Wizard101 (released April 20, 2021)
Gummy Bunny concept for Wizard101's Karamelle expansion (released April 20, 2021)
Concept for the passenger car of the Monumental Express for the Great Sky Train Robbery gauntlet in Wizard101 (released April 26, 2021)
Concept for the fuel car of the Monumental Express for the Great Sky Train Robbery gauntlet in Wizard101 (released April 26, 2021)
Concept for the caboose of the Monumental Express for the Great Sky Train Robbery gauntlet in Wizard101 (released April 26, 2021)
Concept for the locomotive of the Monumental Express for the Great Sky Train Robbery gauntlet in Wizard101 (released April 26, 2021)
Concept for the interior of the passenger car of the Monumental Express for the Great Sky Train Robbery gauntlet in Wizard101 (released April 29, 2021)
Concept for the ceiling of the passenger car of the Monumental Express for the Great Sky Train Robbery gauntlet in Wizard101 (released April 29, 2021)
Concept for the doorway of the passenger car of the Monumental Express for the Great Sky Train Robbery gauntlet in Wizard101 (released April 29, 2021)
Concept for the seats of the passenger car of the Monumental Express for the Great Sky Train Robbery gauntlet in Wizard101 (released April 29, 2021)
Runner pet concept for the Great Sky Train Robbery gauntlet in Wizard101 (released May 4, 2021)
Armadillo mount concept for the Great Sky Train Robbery gauntlet in Wizard101 (released May 6, 2021)
Armadillo mount saddle color concepts for the Great Sky Train Robbery gauntlet in Wizard101 (released May 6, 2021)
Armadillo mount curled up concept for the Great Sky Train Robbery gauntlet in Wizard101 (released May 6, 2021)
Gear concepts for the Great Sky Train Robbery gauntlet in Wizard101 (released May 12, 2021)
Celestian sword concepts for the Celestian Spellemental Pack in Wizard101 (released May 18, 2021)
Zorphie early concepts for the Celestian Spellemental Pack in Wizard101 (released May 21, 2021)
Zorphie color concepts for the Celestian Spellemental Pack in Wizard101 (released May 21, 2021)
Motorist gear concepts for the Marleybone Motorist Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released May 24, 2021)
Motorist gear hairstyle concepts for the Marleybone Motorist Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released May 24, 2021)
Blimp pet concept for the Marleybone Motorist Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released May 27, 2021)
Trolley mount concept for the Marleybone Motorist Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released June 2, 2021)
Trolley mount alternate color concepts for the Marleybone Motorist Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released June 2, 2021)
Wrench wand concepts for the Marleybone Motorist Hoard Pack in Wizard101 (released June 2, 2021)
Sketch for the loading screen of the Great Sky Train Robbery gauntlet in Wizard101 (released June 8, 2021)
Sketch processs for the loading screen of the Great Sky Train Robbery gauntlet in Wizard101 (released June 8, 2021)
King Detritus concept for the Wizard City Underground expansion for Wizard101 (released June 17, 2021)
King Detritus early concept for the Wizard City Underground expansion for Wizard101 (released June 17, 2021)
King Detritus early concepts for the Wizard City Underground expansion for Wizard101 (released June 17, 2021)
Fjord Dragon mount concept for the Blacksmith's Fjord Bundle for Wizard101 (released June 21, 2021)
Stylin' Corgi pet concept for Wizard101 (released June 24, 2021)
Hip Corgi pet concept for Wizard101 (released June 24, 2021)
Cool Corgi pet concept for Wizard101 (released June 24, 2021)
Blacksmith shop concept for the Blacksmith's Fjord Bundle for Wizard101 (released June 28, 2021)
Blacksmith shop interior concept for the Blacksmith's Fjord Bundle for Wizard101 (released July 19, 2021)
Cave interior concept for the Blacksmith's Fjord Bundle for Wizard101 (released July 19, 2021)
Alternate concepts for the Vine Monster for the Wizard City Underground expansion for Wizard101 (released July 21, 2021)
Female Dragonspyre Crusader alternate concepts for the Wizard City Underground expansion for Wizard101 (released July 27, 2021)
Female Dragonspyre Crusader concept for the Wizard City Underground expansion for Wizard101 (released July 27, 2021)
Dragonspyre Vanguard concepts for the Wizard City Underground expansion for Wizard101 (released August 3, 2021)
Feisty Fire Kitten pet concept for Wizard101 (released August 10, 2021)
Early concepts for Prince Viggor for the Wizard City Underground expansion for Wizard101 (released August 17, 2021)
Zoom Zoom Broom mount concept for Wizard101 (released August 23, 2021)
Chitin Crawler mount concept for Wizard101 (released August 31, 2021)
Pumpkin Spice Wand concept for Wizard101 (released September 7, 2021)
Anchor wand concepts for the Sinbad and the Iron Sultan gauntlet in Wizard101 (released September 14, 2021)
Empress Setesh alternate concepts for the Doomsday Krok gauntlet for Wizard101 (released September 17, 2021)
Empress Setesh scepter concepts for the Doomsday Krok gauntlet for Wizard101 (released September 17, 2021)
Early design concepts for the gear of the Doomsday Krok gauntlet for Wizard101 (released September 23, 2021)
Alternate concepts for the Pumpkin Spice Wand for Wizard101 (released October 8, 2021)
Ferry mount concept for the Grim Ferryman Pack for Wizard101 (released October 14, 2021)
Goatling pet concept for the Grim Ferryman Pack for Wizard101 (released October 20, 2021)
Goatling color variant concepts for the Grim Ferryman Pack for Wizard101 (released October 20, 2021)
Scythe weapon concepts for the Grim Ferryman Pack for Wizard101 (released October 26, 2021)
Early concepts of the Scythe weapon for the Grim Ferryman Pack for Wizard101 (released October 26, 2021)
Ferryman gear concept for the Grim Ferryman Pack for Wizard101 (released October 28, 2021)
Ferryman gear color variant concepts for the Grim Ferryman Pack for Wizard101 (released October 28, 2021)
Creepy Bumper Car mount concept for the Even Creepier Carnival Bundle for Wizard101 (released November 2, 2021)
Torch and Shield of Valor wand concept for Wizard101 (released November 11, 2021)
Buck Gordon concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released December 7, 2021)
Conservator Olivia concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released December 10, 2021)
Charity Hippogriff mount concept for Wizard101 (released December 14, 2021)
Concept of the Shadoe for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released December 16, 2021)
Elfvis pet concept for Wizard101 (released December 20, 2021)
Jolly Winter gear concept for Wizard101 (released December 22, 2021)
Auld Lang Sphere mount concept for the Yuletide Mornings Pack for Wizard101 (released December 28, 2021)
Noisemaker wand concepts for the Yuletide Mornings Pack for Wizard101 (released December 30, 2021)
New Year's tux gear concepts for the Yuletide Mornings Pack for Wizard101 (released December 31, 2021)
New Year's dress gear concepts for the Yuletide Mornings Pack for Wizard101 (released December 31, 2021)
Concept of the Bantam for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released January 4, 2022)
Repaired Autogyro concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released January 6, 2022)
Broken Autogyro concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released January 6, 2022)
Concept of Morg the Merciless for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released January 11, 2022)
Early concept for the Old One Telos temple for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released January 13, 2022)
Concept for the Old One Telos temple for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released January 13, 2022)
Lemur Hierarch concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released January 18, 2022)
Moth-Amon concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released January 20, 2022)
Auspicious Tiger pet concept for Wizard101 (released February 1, 2022)
Water Mole concepts for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released February 3, 2022)
Juju concept for the Lemuria expansion for
Wizard101 (released February 8, 2022)
Island citizen Lemur concepts for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released February 8, 2022)
Friendship Teeter Totter concept for Wizard101 (released February 14, 2022)
Door and Attunement Stones concepts for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released February 18, 2022)
Door concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released February 18, 2022)
Scion of the Old One concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released February 25, 2022)
Old One's Endgame spell concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released February 28, 2022)
Blast Off! spell concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released March 1, 2022)
Barbarian's Saga spell concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released March 2, 2022)
Freeze Ray spell concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released March 3, 2022)
Grim Reader spell concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released March 4, 2022)
Lord of the Jungle spell concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released March 5, 2022)
Dark & Stormy spell concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released March 6, 2022)
Gorgon armor concept for the Aquila Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released March 9, 2022)
Gorgon armor color variants for the Aquila Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released March 10, 2022)
Strix pet concept for the Aquila Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released March 14, 2022)
Strix pet early concepts for the Aquila Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released March 14, 2022)
Xiphos wand concepts for the Aquila Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released March 18, 2022)
Strix pet color variant concepts for the Aquila Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released March 18, 2022)
Elephant mount concept for the Aquila Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released March 22, 2022)
Capybara pet concept for Wizard101 (released March 24, 2022)
Capybara pet earlier concept for Wizard101 (released March 24, 2022)
Fossa concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released March 29, 2022)
Crane concepts for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released March 31, 2022)
Li'l Lemur pet concept for the Heroes of Lemuria Pack for Wizard101 (released April 5, 2022)
Shadoe gear concept for the Heroes of Lemuria Pack for Wizard101 (released April 7, 2022)
Shadoe gear color variant concepts for the Heroes of Lemuria Pack for Wizard101 (released April 7, 2022)
Mandar sword wand concept for the Heroes of Lemuria Pack for Wizard101 (released April 7, 2022)
Cow Gangster concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released April 12, 2022)
Librarian Fitzhume concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released April 14, 2022)
Mander Warrior concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released April 18, 2022)
Humango mobs concepts for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released April 20, 2022)
First iteration of concepts of the Koolakamba for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released April 27, 2022)
Second iteration of concepts of the Koolakamba for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released April 27, 2022)
Third iteration of concepts of the Koolakamba for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released April 27, 2022)
Final concept of the Koolakamba for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released April 27, 2022)
Loch Monster mount concept for the Unforgiven Dead gauntlet for Wizard101 (released April 29, 2022)
Loch Monster color variant concepts for the Unforgiven Dead gauntlet for Wizard101 (released April 29, 2022)
Highlands gear concept for the Unforgiven Dead gauntlet for Wizard101 (released May 3, 2022)
Highlands gear color variant concepts for the Unforgiven Dead gauntlet for Wizard101 (released May 3, 2022)
Highlands staff concept for the Unforgiven Dead gauntlet for Wizard101 (released May 3, 2022)
Terrier pet concept for the Unforgiven Dead gauntlet for Wizard101 (released May 5, 2022)
Banrigh Sluagh concept for the Unforgiven Dead gauntlet for Wizard101 (released May 9, 2022)
Woad Warrior concept for the Unforgiven Dead gauntlet for Wizard101 (released May 16, 2022)
DonnyBrook concept for the Unforgiven Dead gauntlet for
Wizard101 (released May 19, 2022)
Ettin variant concepts for the Unforgiven Dead gauntlet for Wizard101 (released May 19, 2022)
Highlands Moolitia concept for the Unforgiven Dead gauntlet for Wizard101 (released May 24, 2022)
Kelpie concept for the Unforgiven Dead gauntlet for Wizard101 (released May 26, 2022)
Unforgiven Dead concept for the Unforgiven Dead gauntlet for Wizard101 (released May 31, 2022)
Poodle Moth mount concept for the Peppergrass Glen Bundle for Wizard101 (released June 7, 2022)
Hummingbird pet concept for the Peppergrass Glen Bundle for Wizard101 (released June 10, 2022)
Hummingbird pet color concepts for the Peppergrass Glen Bundle for Wizard101 (released June 10, 2022)
Peppergrass Glen environment concept for the Peppergrass Glen Bundle for Wizard101 (released June 12, 2022)
Peppergrass Glen house exterior concept for the Peppergrass Glen Bundle for Wizard101 (released June 12, 2022)
Peppergrass Glen grotto concept for the Peppergrass Glen Bundle for Wizard101 (released June 12, 2022)
Peppergrass Glen grotto concept for the Peppergrass Glen Bundle for Wizard101 (released June 12, 2022)
Boxplane mount concept for Wizard101 (released June 21, 2022)
Boxplane pilot gear concept for Wizard101 (released June 29, 2022)
Dazzlefeather pet concept for the Peppergrass Glen Bundle for Wizard101 (released July 5, 2022)
Arbalaster 3000 concept for the Sky City Bundle for Wizard101 (released July 18, 2022)
Axe wand concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released July 18, 2022)
Sword wand concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released July 18, 2022)
Recreational Swimgear gear for Wizard101 (released July 20, 2022)
Orb holder concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released July 26, 2022)
Rocket concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released July 26, 2022)
Deck accessory for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released July 26, 2022)
Quest lamp concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released July 26, 2022)
Sky Sedan De-Luxe mount concept for the Sky City Bundle for Wizard101 (released July 28, 2022)
Sky Sedan early concepts for the Sky City Bundle for Wizard101 (released July 28, 2022)
Heap mood painting for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released August 8, 2022)
Night Forest mood painting for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released August 8, 2022)
Telos concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released August 10, 2022)
Telos building concepts for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released August 10, 2022)
Telos gateway concepts for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released August 10, 2022)
LED Zeppelin concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released August 18, 2022)
Guild House mood painting for Wizard101 (released August 23, 2022)
Battle Island concept for Wizard101 (released August 25, 2022)
Battle Gate concept for Wizard101 (released August 25, 2022)
Guild House main island concept for Wizard101 (released August 30, 2022)
Guild Hall concept for Wizard101 (released August 30, 2022)
Guild Conservatory concept for Wizard101 (released August 30, 2022)
Guild Manor concept for Wizard101 (released August 30, 2022)
Concept for the interior of the Guild Manor for Wizard101 (released September 1, 2022)
Concept for the interior of the Guild Manor for Wizard101 (released September 1, 2022)
Library concept for the interior of the Guild Manor for Wizard101 (released September 1, 2022)
Member wing and tower concept for the interior of the Guild Manor for Wizard101 (released September 1, 2022)
Autumn Imp Bumper Car concept for Wizard101 (released September 6, 2022)
Golden Lion concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released September 15, 2022)
Sky City Estates layout concept for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released September 20, 2022)
Sky City house concepts for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released September 20, 2022)
Sky City foliage concepts for the Lemuria expansion for Wizard101 (released September 20, 2022)
Drake Hatchling mount concept for the Spiral Villain's Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released September 28, 2022)
Morganthe gear concept for the Spiral Villain's Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released October 5, 2022)
Grand Pirate Fountain concept for Pirate101 (released October 12, 2022)
Webling pet concept for the Spiral Villain's Hoard Pack for Wizard101 (released October 18, 2022)
Cerberus Master Gear concept for the Cerberus Master Pack for Wizard101 (released October 26, 2022)
Cerberus Master Wand concept for the Cerberus Master Pack for Wizard101 (released November 2, 2022)
Early sketches of the Cerberus Master Wand for the Cerberus Master Pack for Wizard101 (released November 2, 2022)
Chipmunk Conductor pet concept for the Arcane Express Bundle for Wizard101 (released November 8, 2022)
Arcane Whistle Staff concept for the Arcane Express Bundle for Wizard101 (released November 15, 2022)
Mood painting of the Catmandu Sanctuary for the Catmandu Sanctuary Bundle for Wizard101 (released November 17, 2022)
Sacred Yarn gear for the Catmandu Sanctuary Bundle for Wizard101 (released November 29, 2022)
Conatus environment concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released December 1, 2022)
Zheng mount concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released December 6, 2022)
Ang concept for the Novus expansion for
Wizard101 (released December 8, 2022)
Early concepts of Ang for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released December 8, 2022)
Charity Feliz Navidog mount concept for Wizard101 (released December 13, 2022)
Wooden Duck pet concept for the Yuletide Elf Pack for Wizard101 (released December 15, 2022)
Rocking Horse mount concept for the Yuletide Elf Pack for Wizard101 (released December 20, 2022)
Rocking Horse mount color variant concepts for the Yuletide Elf Pack for Wizard101 (released December 20, 2022)
Elf worker gear concept for the Yuletide Elf Pack for Wizard101 (released December 22, 2022)
Elf worker gear color variant concepts for the Yuletide Elf Pack for Wizard101 (released December 22, 2022)
Yuletide Cargo Car mount concept for the Yuletide Elf Pack for Wizard101 (released January 6, 2023)
Chimney Sweep gear concept for the Yuletide Elf Pack for Wizard101 (released January 10, 2023)
Lucky Cat pet concept for the Catmandu Sanctuary Bundle for Wizard101 (released January 17, 2023)
Catmandu temple complex concept for the Catmandu Sanctuary included with the Catmandu Sanctuary Bundle for Wizard101 (released January 19, 2023)
Catmandu temple details concept for the Catmandu Sanctuary included with the Catmandu Sanctuary Bundle for Wizard101 (released January 19, 2023)
Auspicious Rabbit pet concept for Wizard101 (released January 24, 2023)
Early concept of
Puerto Nuovo for the Novus expansion for
Wizard101 (1/4) (released February 8, 2023)
Early concept of Puerto Nuovo for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (2/4) (released February 8, 2023)
Early concept of Puerto Nuovo for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (3/4) (released February 8, 2023)
Early concept of Puerto Nuovo for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (4/4) (released February 8, 2023)
Phileas Dogg concept for the Novus expansion for
Wizard101 (released February 16, 2023)
Carnival Krewe gear concept for Wizard101 (released February 21, 2023)
Early concept of the
Stone of Heaven for the Novus expansion for
Wizard101 (released February 23, 2023)
Standard Bear concept for the Novus expansion for
Wizard101 (released February 28, 2023)
Standard Bear sketches for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released February 28, 2023)
Stormzilla gear concept for
Wizard101 (released March 2, 2023)
Early concept of the
Monquista side of Puerto Nuovo for the Novus expansion for
Wizard101 (released March 7, 2023)
Early concept of the Monquista side of Puerto Nuovo for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released March 7, 2023)
Early concept of
La Ville Rose for the Novus expansion for
Wizard101 (released March 9, 2023)
Early concept of La Ville Rose for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released March 9, 2023)
Avatar of Cucumbers mob sketches for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released March 14, 2023)
Phollicle Phoenix concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released March 16, 2023)
Valencian Camp concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released March 21, 2023)
Marleybonian Camp concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released March 21, 2023)
Monquistan Camp concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released March 21, 2023)
Polarian Camp concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released March 21, 2023)
Puzzle Piece Monster concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (1/2) (released March 23, 2023)
Puzzle Piece Monster concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (2/2) (released March 23, 2023)
New Vicorgia concept for the Novus expansion for
Wizard101 (1/2) (released March 29, 2023)
New Vicorgia concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (2/2) (released March 29, 2023)
Megrim concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released April 4, 2023)
Dog of War concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released April 6, 2023)
Mood painting of the
Valencia side of Puerto Nuovo for the Novus expansion for
Wizard101 (released April 11, 2023)
Concept for the structures of the Valencia side of Puerto Nuovo for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released April 11, 2023)
Gator Glider mount concept for the Night Mire gauntlet for Wizard101 (released April 18, 2023)
Bearded Dragon concept for the Night Mire gauntlet for Wizard101 (released April 20, 2023)
Gators concept for the Night Mire gauntlet for Wizard101 (released April 25, 2023)
Swamp shack concept for the Night Mire gauntlet for Wizard101 (released April 27, 2023)
Dr. Neaux concept for the Night Mire gauntlet for
Wizard101 (released May 2, 2023)
Riverboat crash concept for the Night Mire gauntlet for Wizard101 (released May 4, 2023)
Riverboat interior concept for the Night Mire gauntlet for Wizard101 (released May 4, 2023)
Vale of Perfection concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released May 9, 2023)
Vale of Perfection building concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released May 9, 2023)
Banana Spider concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released May 11, 2023)
Marleybone control panel concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released May 16, 2023)
Thought translators concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released May 16, 2023)
Aeon of Atavus concept for the Novus expansion for
Wizard101 (released May 18, 2023)
Early sketches of the Aeon of Atavus for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released May 19, 2023)
Snallygaster pet concept for the Night Mire gauntlet for Wizard101 (released May 23, 2023)
La Ville Rose concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released May 30, 2023)
Lightkeeper's Flame pet concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released June 2, 2023)
Masterpiece gear for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (1/2) (released June 6, 2023)
Masterpiece gear for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (2/2) (released June 6, 2023)
Lightkeeper's Estate mood painting for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released June 13, 2023)
Stormy Ringtail pet concept for the Night Mire gauntlet for Wizard101 (released June 15, 2023)
Lightkeeper's Estate concept for the Lightkeeper's Bundle for Wizard101 (released June 20, 2023)
Lightkeeper's Estate shipwreck concept for the Lightkeeper's Bundle for Wizard101 (released June 20, 2023)
Lightkeeper's Estate underwater interior concept for the Lightkeeper's Bundle for Wizard101 (released June 20, 2023)
Valencian Spy concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released June 22, 2023)
La Ville Rose island 1 concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released June 27, 2023)
La Ville Rose island 2 concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released June 27, 2023)
La Ville Rose island 3 concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (1/2) (released June 27, 2023)
La Ville Rose island 3 concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (2/2) (released June 27, 2023)
Inventor's Scanner wand concept for the Novus Explorer's Pack for Wizard101 (released June 29, 2023)
Nouveau Basstille concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released July 10, 2023)
Interior concept of the Nouveau Basstille for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (1/2) (released July 10, 2023)
Interior concept of the Nouveau Basstille for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (2/2) (released July 10, 2023)
Rottingham Weiler concept for the Novus expansion for
Wizard101 (released July 13, 2023)
Nucleus Gallery concept for the Novus expansion for
Wizard101 (released July 21, 2023)
Nucleus Gallery courtyard concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released July 21, 2023)
Nucleus Gallery hallway concept for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released July 21, 2023)
Dasein fountain for the Novus expansion for Wizard101 (released July 25, 2023)
Tung-Ak concept for the Novus expansion for
Wizard101 (released July 27, 2023)
Lightkeeper's Submarine mount concept for the Lightkeeper's Bundle for Wizard101 (released August 3, 2023)