Hey all! @NatilieDreamer is taking a break this week as she had a health-related setback, so I'm filling in! If all goes to plan she'll be back next week!
Monday [10/14]
- Pirate101's 12th birthday celebration began with a bang with free membership through the 20th!
- DaRealAlmond posts a teaser video in collaboration with Wizard101 showing off spellement path changes for the Selenpolis update.
Tuesday [10/15]
- Pirate101 birthday items return to the Crown Shop.
- New Beastform Balance Colossus revealed by Cam.
- Wizard101 announces a "Teaser Week" featuring different content creators dropping teasers for the Selenopolis each day.
- Pet Promenade returns through October 21st.
- Beastmoon Monster Mayhem returns through October 21st with the Celestia map.
- Liahm posts a video in collaboration with Wizard101 showing off new spells.
Wednesday [10/16]
- New Spell Fusion system revealed for Wizard101's Selenopolis update.
- AwesomeTheSauce shows off new spells coming in the Selenopolis update, provided by Wizard101.
- Blaze Lifehammer posts an exclusive teaser video for new spells in the Selenopolis update.
Thursday [10/17]
- Kore & Bore Tech post their teaser video showing off new spells for the Selenopolis update.
- Potatoe Monkey PVP posts his exclusive teaser video showing off new spells for Wizard101's Selenopolis update.
Friday [10/18]
- Wizard101 teases an HD revamp of Krokotopia for the Selenopolis update.
- KingsIsle hosts a Design Livestream about Wizard101's new Spell Fusion system.